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量化交易吧 /  量化平台 帖子:3366808 新帖:15


我是游客发表于:5 月 10 日 05:03回复(1)


9 (2).png

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from jqdata import jy
pd.set_option('precision', 3)
import datetime
import jqdata
from jqdata import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class report():
    def get_index_pct(self,date):
        zhishu_list = ['000001.XSHG','000300.XSHG','000016.XSHG','000905.XSHG','000852.XSHG','399006.XSHE','399678.XSHE','399005.XSHE'] 
        pl = get_price(zhishu_list,end_date=date,count=6)#.ix[:,0,:]

        pl_pct = (pl.iloc[:,-1,:]/pl.iloc[:,-2,:]-1)*100
        pl_pct_5 = (pl.iloc[:,-1,:]/pl.iloc[:,-6,:]-1)*100

        df_money = pl.loc['money',:,:]
        def f(x):
            return x.mean()
        se_money = df_money.apply(f)

        df_volume = pl.loc['volume',:,:]
        def f(x):
            return x.mean()
        se_volume = df_volume.apply(f)

        zv = pl.iloc[:,-1,:]
        zv['name'] = ['上证','沪深300','上证50','中证500','中证1000','创业板','次新股','中小板']
        df_fin = pd.concat([zv['close'],pl_pct['close'],pl_pct_5['close'],pl_pct['volume'],zv['volume']/(10**8),se_volume/(10**8),pl_pct['money'],zv['money']/(10**8),se_money/(10**8)],axis=1)
        df_fin.index = zv['name'].values
        df_fin.columns = ['指数值','涨跌幅%','5日涨跌幅%','成交量%','成交量(亿)','5日成交均量(亿)','成交额%','成交额(亿)','5日成交均额(亿)']

        return df_fin
    def get_hy_pct(self,y=2018,m=7,d=6,days = 5):

        def get_SW_index(SW_index = 801010,start_date = '2017-01-31',end_date = '2018-01-31'):
            index_list = ['PrevClosePrice','OpenPrice','HighPrice','LowPrice','ClosePrice','TurnoverVolume','TurnoverValue','TurnoverDeals','ChangePCT','UpdateTime']
            jydf = jy.run_query(query(jy.SecuMain).filter(jy.SecuMain.SecuCode==str(SW_index)))

            df = jy.run_query(query(jy.QT_SYWGIndexQuote).filter(jy.QT_SYWGIndexQuote.InnerCode==str(result[0]),\
            df.index = df['TradingDay']
            df = df[index_list]
            return df

        def ShiftTradingDay(date,shift=5):
            # 获取所有的交易日,返回一个包含所有交易日的 list,元素值为 datetime.date 类型.
            tradingday = get_all_trade_days()
            # 得到date之后shift天那一天在列表中的行标号 返回一个数
            shiftday_index = list(tradingday).index(date)+shift
            # 根据行号返回该日日期 为datetime.date类型
            return tradingday[shiftday_index]  

        date = datetime.date(y,m,d)
        date_s = ShiftTradingDay(date,-days)

        sw_hy = jqdata.get_industries(name='sw_l1')
        sw_hy_dict  = {}
        for i in sw_hy.index:
            value = get_SW_index(i,start_date=date_s,end_date=date)
            sw_hy_dict[i] = value
        pl_hy = pd.Panel(sw_hy_dict)
        pl = pl_hy.transpose(2,1,0)
        pl = pl.loc[['PrevClosePrice','OpenPrice','HighPrice','LowPrice','ClosePrice','TurnoverVolume','TurnoverValue'],:,:]
        pl_pct = (pl.iloc[:,-1,:]/pl.iloc[:,-2,:]-1)*100
        pl_pct_5 = (pl.iloc[:,-1,:]/pl.iloc[:,-6,:]-1)*100

        df_money = pl.loc['TurnoverValue',:,:]
        def f(x):
            return x.mean()
        se_money = df_money.apply(f)

        df_volume = pl.loc['TurnoverVolume',:,:]
        def f(x):
            return x.mean()
        se_volume = df_volume.apply(f)

        zv = pl.iloc[:,-1,:]
        zv['name'] = sw_hy['name']
        df_fin = pd.concat([zv['ClosePrice'],pl_pct['ClosePrice'],pl_pct_5['ClosePrice'],pl_pct['TurnoverVolume'],zv['TurnoverVolume']/(10**8),se_volume/(10**8),pl_pct['TurnoverValue'],zv['TurnoverValue']/(10**8),se_money/(10**8)],axis=1)
        df_fin.columns = ['指数值','涨跌幅%','5日涨跌幅%','成交量%','成交量(亿)','5日成交均量(亿)','成交额%','成交额(亿)','5日成交均额(亿)']
        df_fin['name'] = sw_hy['name']
        df_fin['code'] = df_fin.index
        df_fin.index = df_fin['name'].values
        del df_fin['name'] 

        return df_fin.sort_values(by = '涨跌幅%',ascending=0) 

    def get_index_contribution(self,date='2018-6-30',index='000001.XSHG'):
        def get_pct(date,pool):
            #zhishu_list = ['000001.XSHG','000300.XSHG','000016.XSHG','000905.XSHG','000852.XSHG','399006.XSHE','399678.XSHE','399005.XSHE'] 
            zhishu_list = pool#[:8]
            pl = get_price(zhishu_list,end_date=date,count=6)#.ix[:,0,:]

            pl_pct = (pl.iloc[:,-1,:]/pl.iloc[:,-2,:]-1)*100
            pl_pct_5 = (pl.iloc[:,-1,:]/pl.iloc[:,-6,:]-1)*100

            df_money = pl.loc['money',:,:]
            def f(x):
                return x.mean()
            se_money = df_money.apply(f)

            df_volume = pl.loc['volume',:,:]
            def f(x):
                return x.mean()
            se_volume = df_volume.apply(f)

            zv = pl.iloc[:,-1,:]
            #zv['name'] = ['上证','沪深300','上证50','中证500','中证1000','创业板','次新股','中小板']
            zv['name'] = zhishu_list
            df_fin = pd.concat([zv['close'],pl_pct['close'],pl_pct_5['close'],pl_pct['volume'],zv['volume']/(10**8),se_volume/(10**8),pl_pct['money'],zv['money']/(10**8),se_money/(10**8)],axis=1)
            df_fin.index = zv['name'].values
            df_fin.columns = ['当前价格','涨跌幅%','5日涨跌幅%','成交量%','成交量(亿)','5日成交均量(亿)','成交额%','成交额(亿)','5日成交均额(亿)']

            return df_fin

        def get_weight():
            q = query(jy.LC_IndexComponentsWeight).filter(jy.LC_IndexComponentsWeight.UpdateTime>'2018-6-1',\
                                                         jy.LC_IndexComponentsWeight.IndexCode == '1')
            df = jy.run_query(q)
            df_weight = df[['InnerCode','Weight']]
            df_code_main = jy.run_query(query(jy.SecuMain).filter(jy.SecuMain.InnerCode.in_(list(df_weight['InnerCode'].values))))
            df_code = df_code_main[['InnerCode','SecuCode']]
            df_weight_tab = pd.merge(df_code,df_weight,on='InnerCode')
            df_weight_tab['code'] = [normalize_code(i) for i in df_weight_tab['SecuCode'].values]
            df_weight_tab.index = df_weight_tab.code
            weight_se = df_weight_tab['Weight']/100.0
            return weight_se

        pool = get_index_stocks(index)
        df_weight_main = get_pct(date,pool)
        weight_se = get_weight()

        point = get_price('000001.XSHG',end_date=date,count=5)['close'][0]
        df_weight_main['weight_se'] = weight_se
        df_weight_main['point'] = df_weight_main['weight_se']*df_weight_main['5日涨跌幅%']*point/100.0
        df_index_weight = df_weight_main.sort_values(by='point',ascending=0)
        df_index_weight = df_index_weight[['5日涨跌幅%','point']]
        f_pool = df_index_weight[:10]
        b_pool = df_index_weight.dropna()[-10:]
        return f_pool,b_pool
a = report()
index_pct_df = a.get_index_pct('2018-7-6')
hy_pct_df = a.get_hy_pct(2018,7,6)
index_crb_df = a.get_index_contribution('2018-7-6')
/opt/conda/envs/python3new/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:3: DeprecationWarning: 
Panel is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
The recommended way to represent these types of 3-dimensional data are with a MultiIndex on a DataFrame, via the Panel.to_frame() method
Alternatively, you can use the xarray package http://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/.
Pandas provides a `.to_xarray()` method to help automate this conversion.

  This is separate from the ipykernel package so we can avoid doing imports until
index_pct_df = index_pct_df.sort_values(by='涨跌幅%',ascending=0)
指数值 涨跌幅% 5日涨跌幅% 成交量% 成交量(亿) 5日成交均量(亿) 成交额% 成交额(亿) 5日成交均额(亿)
次新股 912.537 1.453 -4.744 10.782 5.335 5.531 10.533 167.598 180.277
上证50 2402.617 1.190 -3.117 -1.372 24.922 24.300 9.259 349.493 330.477
沪深300 3365.123 0.679 -4.154 5.527 86.098 83.288 12.238 1094.819 1059.652
中小板 6162.292 0.669 -4.870 20.935 18.840 17.211 26.745 299.372 268.695
创业板 1541.313 0.563 -4.070 36.726 16.683 15.242 36.642 236.881 220.319
上证 2747.229 0.488 -3.519 5.470 136.294 132.331 11.429 1481.930 1428.477
中证1000 5374.580 0.410 -4.171 11.337 86.913 83.558 11.397 781.041 767.672
中证500 4996.630 0.278 -4.238 15.895 61.340 57.006 17.942 620.834 581.098
def get_name(code,Type='stock'):
    all_data = get_all_securities(types=Type)
    i = list(all_data.index).index(code)
    return all_data['display_name'][i]
name_list0 = [get_name(i) for i in index_crb_df[0].index]
name_list1 = [get_name(i) for i in index_crb_df[1].index]
index_crb_df[0]['股票名称'] = name_list0
index_crb_df[1]['股票名称'] = name_list1
5日涨跌幅% point 股票名称
600900.XSHG 1.115 0.367 长江电力
600011.XSHG 5.346 0.331 华能国际
600760.XSHG 6.382 0.298 中航沈飞
601330.XSHG 20.747 0.236 绿色动力
600893.XSHG 4.391 0.205 航发动力
600598.XSHG 11.026 0.165 北大荒
603045.XSHG 37.033 0.164 福达合金
603160.XSHG 5.722 0.156 汇顶科技
601336.XSHG 1.726 0.143 新华保险
601069.XSHG 13.222 0.132 西部黄金
5日涨跌幅% point 股票名称
601288.XSHG -1.453 -1.363 农业银行
600104.XSHG -3.630 -1.376 上汽集团
601668.XSHG -7.143 -1.519 中国建筑
601318.XSHG -2.800 -1.647 中国平安
600048.XSHG -13.279 -1.780 保利地产
600028.XSHG -3.390 -1.949 中国石化
600276.XSHG -7.629 -1.974 恒瑞医药
600519.XSHG -2.371 -2.019 贵州茅台
601138.XSHG -6.562 -2.209 工业富联
601857.XSHG -3.372 -3.903 中国石油
index_pct_df = index_pct_df.sort_values(by='5日涨跌幅%',ascending=0)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f59ae719588>
index_pct_df = index_pct_df.sort_values(by='涨跌幅%',ascending=0)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f59ae4c6c88>
index_pct_df = index_pct_df.sort_values(by='成交量%',ascending=0)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f59ae70cc88>
hy_pct_df = hy_pct_df.sort_values(by = '涨跌幅%',ascending=0)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f59ae2b9d30>
hy_pct_df = hy_pct_df.sort_values(by = '5日涨跌幅%',ascending=0)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f59ae1856a0>
def get_fact_ret(fact,pool_index='000300.XSHG',fdate='2017-01-01',e_date='2017-02-01'):
    def get_df(pool,fdate):
        q = query(
        valuation.ps_ratio, # PS 市销率
        indicator.roa, # ROA
        indicator.roe, # ROE
        df = get_fundamentals(q, fdate)
        df = df[df['pe_ratio']>0]
        df = df[df['ps_ratio']>0]
        df = df[df['eps']>0]
        df = df[df['peg']>0]
        df = df[df['pb_ratio']>0]
        df = df[df['roa']>0]
        df = df[df['roe']>0]
        df = df[df['inc_revenue_year_on_year']>0]
        df['eps'] = 1/df['eps']
        df['roa'] = 1/df['roa']
        df['roe'] = 1/df['roe']
        df['inc_revenue_year_on_year'] = 1/df['inc_revenue_year_on_year']
        return df
    def ret_se_1(sl,start_date=fdate,end_date=e_date):
        df = get_price(sl,start_date=start_date,end_date=end_date,fields=['close']).close
        df = df.dropna(axis=1)
        pct = df.pct_change()+1
        pct.iloc[0,:] = 1
        #pct = pct.dropna(axis=0)
        #df1 = pct.cumprod()
        se1 = pct.cumsum(axis=1).iloc[:,-1]/pct.shape[1]
        return se1
    def ret_se(sl,start_date=fdate,end_date=e_date):
        df = get_price(sl,start_date=start_date,end_date=end_date,fields=['close']).close
        df = df.dropna(axis=1)

        df_mkt = get_fundamentals(query(valuation.code,valuation.circulating_market_cap).filter(valuation.code.in_(df.columns)))
        df_mkt.index = df_mkt['code'].values
        fact_se =pd.Series(df_mkt['circulating_market_cap'].values,index = df_mkt['code'].values)
        fact_se = np.log(fact_se)

        pct = df.pct_change()+1
        pct.iloc[0,:] = 1
        #df1 = pct.cumprod()
        se1 = (pct*fact_se).cumsum(axis=1).iloc[:,-1]/sum(fact_se)
        return se1
    pool = get_index_stocks(pool_index)
    df = get_df(pool,fdate=fdate)
    df.index = df['code'].values
    df_d1 = df.sort_values(by=fact,axis=0)
    #step2 分组
    part = list(df_d1.index)
    a = len(df_d1)//5
    part1 = list(df_d1.index)[:a]
    part2 = list(df_d1.index)[a:2*a]
    part3 = list(df_d1.index)[2*a:-2*a]
    part4 = list(df_d1.index)[-2*a:-a]
    part5 = list(df_d1.index)[-a:]
    #step3 计算收益
    se  = ret_se(part)
    se1 = ret_se(part1)
    se2 = ret_se(part2)
    se3 = ret_se(part3)
    se4 = ret_se(part4)
    se5 = ret_se(part5)
    return se,se1,se2,se3,se4,se5

def fact_return_df(fact,l_all):
    l1 = l_all[:-1]
    l2 = l_all[1:]
    date_list = list(zip(l1,l2))

    num = 1
    for i,j in date_list:
        se,se1,se2,se3,se4,se5 = get_fact_ret(fact,fdate=i,e_date=j)
        if num == 1:
            #se_list = [ for i in se_list]
            df_all_1 = pd.concat([se,se1,se2,se3,se4,se5],axis=1)
            df_all_1.columns = ['benchmark','part1','part2','part3','part4','part5']
            #df_all_1.ix[0,:] = 1
            num = 0
            df_all_2 = pd.concat([se,se1,se2,se3,se4,se5],axis=1)
            df_all_2.columns = ['benchmark','part1','part2','part3','part4','part5']
            #df_all_2.ix[0,:] = 1
            df_all_1 = pd.concat([df_all_1,df_all_2])
    df_all_1 = df_all_1.drop_duplicates()
    return df_all_1.cumprod()
def date_list(start,end):
    df_date = pd.read_csv('df_date.csv')
    df_1=df_date[(df_date['dt_list']>=start) & (df_date['dt_list']<=end) ]
    df_2 = df_1.drop_duplicates(['year','month'])
    l_3 = [i for i in df_2.dt_list.values]
    return l_3
def date_list(start,end):
    l = get_price('000001.XSHG',start_date=start,end_date=end)
    return list(l.index)
fact_list = ['circulating_market_cap','pe_ratio','ps_ratio','eps','peg','pb_ratio','roa','roe','inc_revenue_year_on_year']
fact_se = []

for fact in fact_list:
    df = fact_return_df(fact,l_date)
    print('准备计算 %s 因子累计收益'%fact)
    se_long_part1 = df['part1']
    se_short_part5 = 1+(1-df['part5'])
    se = se_short_part5*0.5+se_long_part1*0.5
    #se = df['part5']-df['part1']
fact_df = pd.concat(fact_se,axis=1)
name_list = ['市值','市盈率','市销率','1/每股收益','peg','市净率','1/roa','1/roe','1/营收增长']
fact_df.columns = name_list
准备计算 circulating_market_cap 因子累计收益
准备计算 pe_ratio 因子累计收益
准备计算 ps_ratio 因子累计收益
准备计算 eps 因子累计收益
准备计算 peg 因子累计收益
准备计算 pb_ratio 因子累计收益
准备计算 roa 因子累计收益
准备计算 roe 因子累计收益
准备计算 inc_revenue_year_on_year 因子累计收益
市值 市盈率 市销率 1/每股收益 peg 市净率 1/roa 1/roe 1/营收增长
2017-07-06 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
2017-07-07 1.007 0.992 0.999 0.991 1.006 1.005 0.995 0.990 1.007
2017-07-10 1.004 0.992 1.002 0.985 1.011 1.012 0.990 0.986 1.009
2017-07-11 0.991 1.005 1.003 0.999 1.005 1.014 0.989 0.996 1.001
2017-07-12 0.995 1.003 1.002 0.997 1.009 1.015 0.989 0.994 1.004
2017-07-13 0.992 1.005 1.007 0.994 1.008 1.025 0.979 0.988 1.000
2017-07-14 0.987 1.010 1.008 0.998 1.010 1.029 0.977 0.991 0.996
2017-07-17 0.970 1.019 1.013 1.004 1.010 1.040 0.973 0.995 0.990
2017-07-18 0.974 1.012 1.017 0.998 1.019 1.042 0.971 0.989 0.997
2017-07-19 0.978 1.002 1.012 0.990 1.030 1.045 0.970 0.981 1.007
2017-07-20 0.976 1.005 1.009 0.993 1.027 1.040 0.973 0.986 1.006
2017-07-21 0.978 1.005 1.012 0.993 1.030 1.038 0.976 0.988 1.008
2017-07-24 0.976 1.004 1.010 0.989 1.028 1.038 0.974 0.986 1.005
2017-07-25 0.978 1.003 1.011 0.987 1.028 1.038 0.975 0.985 1.006
2017-07-26 0.977 0.999 1.012 0.978 1.028 1.043 0.970 0.976 1.008
2017-07-27 0.984 0.995 1.001 0.975 1.018 1.035 0.975 0.973 1.006
2017-07-28 0.982 0.994 1.000 0.975 1.024 1.030 0.977 0.975 1.008
2017-07-31 0.985 0.982 1.007 0.962 1.040 1.037 0.974 0.964 1.022
2017-08-01 0.980 0.987 1.008 0.966 1.034 1.039 0.969 0.966 1.016
2017-08-02 0.978 0.982 1.001 0.962 1.035 1.040 0.967 0.962 1.018
2017-08-03 0.984 0.974 1.003 0.952 1.042 1.043 0.965 0.955 1.023
2017-08-04 0.981 0.976 1.011 0.950 1.040 1.048 0.962 0.952 1.023
2017-08-07 0.982 0.971 1.010 0.948 1.047 1.043 0.967 0.952 1.028
2017-08-08 0.986 0.967 1.006 0.942 1.042 1.042 0.966 0.946 1.029
2017-08-09 0.986 0.961 1.005 0.947 1.047 1.034 0.977 0.954 1.033
2017-08-10 0.983 0.966 1.001 0.953 1.036 1.030 0.980 0.959 1.027
2017-08-11 0.984 0.974 0.994 0.963 1.019 1.019 0.987 0.970 1.016
2017-08-14 0.989 0.964 0.985 0.960 1.020 1.011 0.990 0.968 1.024
2017-08-15 0.988 0.967 0.982 0.958 1.020 1.010 0.992 0.969 1.023
2017-08-16 0.991 0.968 0.984 0.958 1.018 1.010 0.991 0.969 1.022
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2018-05-25 0.952 0.963 0.875 1.102 1.041 0.899 1.149 1.148 1.094
2018-05-28 0.946 0.958 0.865 1.115 1.039 0.885 1.162 1.164 1.096
2018-05-29 0.947 0.965 0.876 1.112 1.040 0.896 1.157 1.160 1.089
2018-05-30 0.945 0.963 0.874 1.114 1.036 0.895 1.161 1.166 1.086
2018-05-31 0.940 0.959 0.868 1.125 1.037 0.882 1.174 1.178 1.090
2018-06-01 0.943 0.971 0.876 1.119 1.043 0.894 1.165 1.168 1.088
2018-06-04 0.932 0.978 0.874 1.132 1.044 0.893 1.168 1.176 1.084
2018-06-05 0.932 0.969 0.865 1.138 1.041 0.877 1.183 1.188 1.090
2018-06-06 0.932 0.964 0.862 1.138 1.041 0.872 1.189 1.191 1.092
2018-06-07 0.932 0.971 0.862 1.139 1.048 0.876 1.188 1.188 1.089
2018-06-08 0.932 0.966 0.861 1.142 1.045 0.871 1.191 1.191 1.089
2018-06-11 0.927 0.975 0.866 1.143 1.054 0.877 1.185 1.187 1.088
2018-06-12 0.923 0.972 0.859 1.153 1.056 0.868 1.200 1.200 1.092
2018-06-13 0.920 0.979 0.866 1.153 1.059 0.876 1.194 1.196 1.089
2018-06-14 0.919 0.982 0.869 1.148 1.060 0.883 1.184 1.187 1.086
2018-06-15 0.914 0.991 0.877 1.148 1.066 0.893 1.174 1.182 1.082
2018-06-19 0.898 1.007 0.886 1.157 1.062 0.904 1.165 1.184 1.070
2018-06-20 0.902 1.000 0.877 1.158 1.061 0.891 1.172 1.191 1.076
2018-06-21 0.892 1.009 0.880 1.158 1.065 0.898 1.169 1.193 1.074
2018-06-22 0.897 1.008 0.875 1.158 1.068 0.893 1.173 1.197 1.078
2018-06-25 0.899 0.999 0.866 1.159 1.056 0.886 1.181 1.205 1.083
2018-06-26 0.905 0.986 0.861 1.152 1.045 0.883 1.183 1.202 1.085
2018-06-27 0.913 0.988 0.872 1.138 1.041 0.898 1.172 1.187 1.080
2018-06-28 0.915 0.984 0.873 1.129 1.036 0.903 1.165 1.177 1.077
2018-06-29 0.912 0.979 0.864 1.137 1.038 0.892 1.176 1.190 1.085
2018-07-02 0.915 0.962 0.857 1.130 1.028 0.884 1.182 1.189 1.088
2018-07-03 0.922 0.967 0.863 1.122 1.029 0.896 1.171 1.177 1.088
2018-07-04 0.919 0.969 0.869 1.119 1.025 0.904 1.167 1.172 1.084
2018-07-05 0.906 0.978 0.875 1.125 1.030 0.912 1.159 1.170 1.079
2018-07-06 0.905 0.977 0.871 1.130 1.029 0.910 1.162 1.177 1.079

246 rows × 9 columns

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f59d1021978>
end_date = '2018-7-6'
date_week = date_list('2018-6-29',end_date)
date_mouth =  date_list('2018-6-6',end_date)
date_halfyear =  date_list('2018-1-6',end_date)
date_year =  date_list('2017-7-6',end_date)
date_3year =  date_list('2015-7-6',end_date)
fact_list = ['circulating_market_cap','pe_ratio','ps_ratio','eps','peg','pb_ratio','roa','roe','inc_revenue_year_on_year']
fact_fin = []
for i in [date_week,date_mouth,date_halfyear,date_year,date_3year]:
    fact_se = []
    for fact in fact_list:
        df = fact_return_df(fact,i)
        se_long_part1 = df['part1']
        se_short_part5 = 1+(1-df['part5'])
        se = se_short_part5*0.5+se_long_part1*0.5
        #se = df['part5']-df['part1']
    fact_df = pd.concat(fact_se,axis=1)
    name_list = ['市值','市盈率','市销率','1/每股收益','peg','市净率','1/roa','1/roe','1/营收增长']
    fact_df.columns = name_list
df_tab = pd.DataFrame(index =['市值','市盈率','市销率','1/每股收益','peg','市净率','1/roa','1/roe','1/营收增长'],columns=['近一周','近一个月','近半年','近一年','近三年'])
df_tab['近一周'] = 100*(fact_fin[0].iloc[-1,:]-1)
df_tab['近一个月'] = 100*(fact_fin[1].iloc[-1,:]-1)
df_tab['近半年'] = 100*(fact_fin[2].iloc[-1,:]-1)
df_tab['近一年'] = 100*(fact_fin[3].iloc[-1,:]-1)
df_tab['近三年'] = 100*(fact_fin[4].iloc[-1,:]-1)
近一周 近一个月 近半年 近一年 近三年
市值 -1.062 -3.224 -4.113 -9.481 NaN
市盈率 -0.304 0.814 -3.074 -2.302 NaN
市销率 0.111 -0.575 -8.147 -12.910 NaN
1/每股收益 -0.199 0.587 7.130 13.027 NaN
peg -0.738 -0.609 -4.043 2.890 NaN
市净率 1.207 2.029 -5.570 -9.049 NaN
1/roa -0.685 -0.566 7.875 16.174 NaN
1/roe -0.348 0.805 7.778 17.679 NaN
1/营收增长 -0.296 -0.301 1.478 7.910 NaN
近一周 近一个月 近半年 近一年 近三年
1/roa -0.685 -0.566 7.875 16.174 39.006
1/roe -0.348 0.805 7.778 17.679 18.978
1/每股收益 -0.199 0.587 7.130 13.027 21.074
1/营收增长 -0.296 -0.301 1.478 7.910 19.023
市盈率 -0.304 0.814 -3.074 -2.302 11.289
peg -0.738 -0.609 -4.043 2.890 22.716
市值 -1.062 -3.224 -4.113 -9.481 12.744
市净率 1.207 2.029 -5.570 -9.049 -9.628
市销率 0.111 -0.575 -8.147 -12.910 -4.164
df_tab = df_tab.sort_values(by='近一周',ascending=0)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f59b4be1a20>
df_tab = df_tab.sort_values(by='近一个月',ascending=0)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f59b4c00518>
df_tab = df_tab.sort_values(by='近半年',ascending=0)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f59aea00940>
df_tab = df_tab.sort_values(by='近一年',ascending=0)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f59adffada0>
df_tab = df_tab.sort_values(by='近三年',ascending=0)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f59ae882cc0>




