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量化交易吧 /  数理科学 帖子:3366226 新帖:5


英雄就是我发表于:5 月 10 日 02:36回复(1)


# 导入模块
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
data = get_price("000001.XSHG",count=3000,end_date="2019-04-03",fields=["open","close","high","low","volume"])
datas = data.reset_index(drop=True)
               open    close     high      low        volume
2006-12-04  2103.82  2161.65  2164.59  2100.56  8.723279e+09
2006-12-05  2167.36  2173.28  2195.53  2159.32  8.815717e+09
2006-12-06  2175.38  2156.60  2192.90  2097.42  1.043478e+10
2006-12-07  2152.59  2156.75  2206.51  2145.79  9.927877e+09
2006-12-08  2133.36  2093.64  2164.02  2090.40  8.088972e+09
.dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; } .dataframe tbody tr th { vertical-align: top; } .dataframe thead th { text-align: right; }
open close high low volume
0 2103.82 2161.65 2164.59 2100.56 8.723279e+09
1 2167.36 2173.28 2195.53 2159.32 8.815717e+09
2 2175.38 2156.60 2192.90 2097.42 1.043478e+10
3 2152.59 2156.75 2206.51 2145.79 9.927877e+09
4 2133.36 2093.64 2164.02 2090.40 8.088972e+09


#   # 获取预测的标签 这里n为10 也就是预测10天后的涨跌标签 
def compute_prediction_int(df, n):
    pred = np.sign(df['close'].shift(-n) - df['close'])
    pred = pred.iloc[:-n]
    return pred.astype(int)
## 计算Stochastic Oscillator
def stochastic_oscillator_d(df, n):
    SOK = [0]
    for i in range(n, len(df)):
        high = df.loc[(i-n):i, 'high']
        low = df.loc[(i-n):i, 'low']
        SOK.append((df.loc[i, 'close'] - min(low)) / (max(high) - min(low)))
    SOK = pd.Series(SOK, name='SOK')
    df = df.join(SOK)
    return df
## 计算Williams %R
def williams_R(df, n):
    R = [0]
    for i in range(n, len(df)):
        high = df.loc[(i-n):i, 'high']
        low = df.loc[(i-n):i, 'low']
        R.append((max(high) - df.loc[i, 'close']) / (max(high) - min(low))*(-100))
    williams_R = pd.Series(R, name='williams_R')
    df = df.join(williams_R)
    return df
## 计算变化率
def rate_of_change(df, n):
    M = df['close'].diff(n - 1)
    N = df['close'].shift(n - 1)
    ROC = pd.Series(M / N, name='ROC_' + str(n))
    df = df.join(ROC)
    return df
## 计算RSI
def relative_strength_index(df, n):
    i = 0
    UpI = [0]
    DoI = [0]
    while i + 1 <= df.index[-1]:
        UpMove = df.loc[i + 1, 'high'] - df.loc[i, 'high']
        DoMove = df.loc[i, 'low'] - df.loc[i + 1, 'low']
        if UpMove > DoMove and UpMove > 0:
            UpD = UpMove
            UpD = 0
        if DoMove > UpMove and DoMove > 0:
            DoD = DoMove
            DoD = 0
        i = i + 1
    UpI = pd.Series(UpI)
    DoI = pd.Series(DoI)
    PosDI = pd.Series(UpI.ewm(span=n, min_periods=n).mean())
    NegDI = pd.Series(DoI.ewm(span=n, min_periods=n).mean())
    RSI = pd.Series(PosDI / (PosDI + NegDI), name='RSI_' + str(n))
    df = df.join(RSI)
    return df
## 计算On Balance Volume
def on_balance_volume(df, n):
    i = 0
    OBV = [0]
    while i < df.index[-1]:
        if df.loc[i + 1, 'close'] - df.loc[i, 'close'] > 0:
            OBV.append(df.loc[i + 1, 'volume'])
        if df.loc[i + 1, 'close'] - df.loc[i, 'close'] == 0:
        if df.loc[i + 1, 'close'] - df.loc[i, 'close'] < 0:
            OBV.append(-df.loc[i + 1, 'volume'])
        i = i + 1
    OBV = pd.Series(OBV)
    OBV_ma = pd.Series(OBV.rolling(n, min_periods=n).mean(), name='OBV_' + str(n))
    df = df.join(OBV_ma)
    return df
## 计算MACD
def macd(df, n_fast, n_slow):
    EMAfast = pd.Series(df['close'].ewm(span=n_fast, min_periods=n_slow).mean())
    EMAslow = pd.Series(df['close'].ewm(span=n_slow, min_periods=n_slow).mean())
    MACD = pd.Series(EMAfast - EMAslow, name='MACD_' + str(n_fast) + '_' + str(n_slow))
    df = df.join(MACD)
    return df
# 数据集准备
def feature_extraction(data):
    data = relative_strength_index(data, n=14)
    data = stochastic_oscillator_d(data, n=14)
    data = rate_of_change(data, n=14)
    data = on_balance_volume(data, n=14)
    data = macd(data, 12, 26)
    data = williams_R(data, n = 14)

    return data
def prepare_data(df, horizon):
    data = feature_extraction(df).dropna().iloc[:-horizon]
    data['label'] = compute_prediction_int(data, n=horizon)
    return data.dropna()
# 数据和特征获取并合并
datas1 = prepare_data(datas, horizon=10) 
features = [x for x in datas1.columns if x not in ['gain', 'label']]
      RSI_14       SOK    ROC_14  ...    MACD_12_26  williams_R  label
25  0.857233  0.813521  0.167247  ...    107.008562  -18.647937    1.0
26  0.640311  0.391454  0.138787  ...     99.453351  -60.854551    1.0
27  0.652436  0.388791  0.192446  ...    101.454929  -61.120866    1.0
28  0.685103  0.042725  0.158168  ...    103.734091  -95.727490    1.0
29  0.719127  0.005756  0.120646  ...    101.250194  -99.424404    1.0

[5 rows x 7 columns]
['RSI_14', 'SOK', 'ROC_14', 'OBV_14', 'MACD_12_26', 'williams_R']
# 训练集和测试集 划分
train_size = 2*len(datas1) // 3
train_df = datas1[:train_size]
test_df = datas1[train_size:]

print('len train', len(train_df))
print('len test', len(test_df))
len train 1961
len test 981
      RSI_14       SOK    ROC_14  ...    MACD_12_26  williams_R  label
25  0.857233  0.813521  0.167247  ...    107.008562  -18.647937    1.0
26  0.640311  0.391454  0.138787  ...     99.453351  -60.854551    1.0
27  0.652436  0.388791  0.192446  ...    101.454929  -61.120866    1.0
28  0.685103  0.042725  0.158168  ...    103.734091  -95.727490    1.0
29  0.719127  0.005756  0.120646  ...    101.250194  -99.424404    1.0

[5 rows x 7 columns]
        RSI_14       SOK    ROC_14  ...    MACD_12_26  williams_R  label
1986  0.448424  0.998331 -0.059932  ...     29.119562   -0.166869    1.0
1987  0.400803  0.743751  0.006476  ...     18.827430  -25.624891    1.0
1988  0.311296  0.801043 -0.030614  ...      5.713452  -19.895707    1.0
1989  0.307633  0.693099 -0.068748  ...     -3.093720  -30.690075    1.0
1990  0.359978  0.667756 -0.060344  ...     -6.251662  -33.224405    1.0

[5 rows x 7 columns]
.dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; } .dataframe tbody tr th { vertical-align: top; } .dataframe thead th { text-align: right; }
RSI_14 SOK ROC_14 OBV_14 MACD_12_26 williams_R
25 0.857233 0.813521 0.167247 4.793883e+09 107.008562 -18.647937
26 0.640311 0.391454 0.138787 3.468150e+09 99.453351 -60.854551
27 0.652436 0.388791 0.192446 4.717751e+09 101.454929 -61.120866
28 0.685103 0.042725 0.158168 5.008422e+09 103.734091 -95.727490
29 0.719127 0.005756 0.120646 3.570444e+09 101.250194 -99.424404
# 随机深林训练 导入包
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
# 训练模型
clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=65, max_features="auto",max_depth=30,min_samples_split=200)
RandomForestClassifier(bootstrap=True, class_weight=None, criterion='gini',
            max_depth=30, max_features='auto', max_leaf_nodes=None,
            min_impurity_decrease=0.0, min_impurity_split=None,
            min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=200,
            min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, n_estimators=65, n_jobs=1,
            oob_score=False, random_state=None, verbose=0,
# from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score, precision_score, confusion_matrix, recall_score, accuracy_score
# 模型调用
pre_train = clf.predict(train_df.iloc[:,:-1])
# print("在训练集预测的结果为:",pre_train)
pre_test = clf.predict(test_df.iloc[:,:-1])
# print("在测试集预测的结果为:",pre_test)
在训练集的accuracy_score为: 0.7781744008159103
在测试集的accuracy_score为: 0.7492354740061162
#!usr/bin/env python
Version : 0.1.6
Date : 15th April 2017

Author : Pierre-Yves Lablanche
Email : plablanche@aims.ac.za
Affiliation : African Institute for Mathematical Sciences - South Africa
              Stellenbosch University - South Africa

License : MIT

Status : Not Under Active Development

Description :
Python3 implementation of the gcForest algorithm preesented in Zhou and Feng 2017
(paper can be found here : https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.08835 ).
It uses the typical scikit-learn syntax  with a .fit() function for training
and a .predict() function for predictions.

import itertools
import numpy as np
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

__author__ = "Pierre-Yves Lablanche"
__email__ = "plablanche@aims.ac.za"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "0.1.6"
#__status__ = "Development"

# noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
class gcForest(object):

    def __init__(self, shape_1X=None, n_mgsRFtree=30, window=None, stride=1,
                 cascade_test_size=0.2, n_cascadeRF=2, n_cascadeRFtree=101, cascade_layer=np.inf,
                 min_samples_mgs=0.1, min_samples_cascade=0.05, tolerance=0.0, n_jobs=1):
        """ gcForest Classifier.

        :param shape_1X: int or tuple list or np.array (default=None)
            Shape of a single sample element [n_lines, n_cols]. Required when calling mg_scanning!
            For sequence data a single int can be given.

        :param n_mgsRFtree: int (default=30)
            Number of trees in a Random Forest during Multi Grain Scanning.

        :param window: int (default=None)
            List of window sizes to use during Multi Grain Scanning.
            If 'None' no slicing will be done.

        :param stride: int (default=1)
            Step used when slicing the data.

        :param cascade_test_size: float or int (default=0.2)
            Split fraction or absolute number for cascade training set splitting.

        :param n_cascadeRF: int (default=2)
            Number of Random Forests in a cascade layer.
            For each pseudo Random Forest a complete Random Forest is created, hence
            the total numbe of Random Forests in a layer will be 2*n_cascadeRF.

        :param n_cascadeRFtree: int (default=101)
            Number of trees in a single Random Forest in a cascade layer.

        :param min_samples_mgs: float or int (default=0.1)
            Minimum number of samples in a node to perform a split
            during the training of Multi-Grain Scanning Random Forest.
            If int number_of_samples = int.
            If float, min_samples represents the fraction of the initial n_samples to consider.

        :param min_samples_cascade: float or int (default=0.1)
            Minimum number of samples in a node to perform a split
            during the training of Cascade Random Forest.
            If int number_of_samples = int.
            If float, min_samples represents the fraction of the initial n_samples to consider.

        :param cascade_layer: int (default=np.inf)
            mMximum number of cascade layers allowed.
            Useful to limit the contruction of the cascade.

        :param tolerance: float (default=0.0)
            Accuracy tolerance for the casacade growth.
            If the improvement in accuracy is not better than the tolerance the construction is

        :param n_jobs: int (default=1)
            The number of jobs to run in parallel for any Random Forest fit and predict.
            If -1, then the number of jobs is set to the number of cores.
        setattr(self, 'shape_1X', shape_1X)
        setattr(self, 'n_layer', 0)
        setattr(self, '_n_samples', 0)
        setattr(self, 'n_cascadeRF', int(n_cascadeRF))
        if isinstance(window, int):
            setattr(self, 'window', [window])
        elif isinstance(window, list):
            setattr(self, 'window', window)
        setattr(self, 'stride', stride)
        setattr(self, 'cascade_test_size', cascade_test_size)
        setattr(self, 'n_mgsRFtree', int(n_mgsRFtree))
        setattr(self, 'n_cascadeRFtree', int(n_cascadeRFtree))
        setattr(self, 'cascade_layer', cascade_layer)
        setattr(self, 'min_samples_mgs', min_samples_mgs)
        setattr(self, 'min_samples_cascade', min_samples_cascade)
        setattr(self, 'tolerance', tolerance)
        setattr(self, 'n_jobs', n_jobs)

    def fit(self, X, y):
        """ Training the gcForest on input data X and associated target y.

        :param X: np.array
            Array containing the input samples.
            Must be of shape [n_samples, data] where data is a 1D array.

        :param y: np.array
            1D array containing the target values.
            Must be of shape [n_samples]
        if np.shape(X)[0] != len(y):
            raise ValueError('Sizes of y and X do not match.')

        mgs_X = self.mg_scanning(X, y)
        _ = self.cascade_forest(mgs_X, y)

    def predict_proba(self, X):
        """ Predict the class probabilities of unknown samples X.

        :param X: np.array
            Array containing the input samples.
            Must be of the same shape [n_samples, data] as the training inputs.

        :return: np.array
            1D array containing the predicted class probabilities for each input sample.
        mgs_X = self.mg_scanning(X)
        cascade_all_pred_prob = self.cascade_forest(mgs_X)
        predict_proba = np.mean(cascade_all_pred_prob, axis=0)

        return predict_proba

    def predict(self, X):
        """ Predict the class of unknown samples X.

        :param X: np.array
            Array containing the input samples.
            Must be of the same shape [n_samples, data] as the training inputs.

        :return: np.array
            1D array containing the predicted class for each input sample.
        pred_proba = self.predict_proba(X=X)
        predictions = np.argmax(pred_proba, axis=1)

        return predictions

    def mg_scanning(self, X, y=None):
        """ Performs a Multi Grain Scanning on input data.

        :param X: np.array
            Array containing the input samples.
            Must be of shape [n_samples, data] where data is a 1D array.

        :param y: np.array (default=None)

        :return: np.array
            Array of shape [n_samples, .. ] containing Multi Grain Scanning sliced data.
        setattr(self, '_n_samples', np.shape(X)[0])
        shape_1X = getattr(self, 'shape_1X')
        if isinstance(shape_1X, int):
            shape_1X = [1,shape_1X]
        if not getattr(self, 'window'):
            setattr(self, 'window', [shape_1X[1]])

        mgs_pred_prob = []

        for wdw_size in getattr(self, 'window'):
            wdw_pred_prob = self.window_slicing_pred_prob(X, wdw_size, shape_1X, y=y)

        return np.concatenate(mgs_pred_prob, axis=1)

    def window_slicing_pred_prob(self, X, window, shape_1X, y=None):
        """ Performs a window slicing of the input data and send them through Random Forests.
        If target values 'y' are provided sliced data are then used to train the Random Forests.

        :param X: np.array
            Array containing the input samples.
            Must be of shape [n_samples, data] where data is a 1D array.

        :param window: int
            Size of the window to use for slicing.

        :param shape_1X: list or np.array
            Shape of a single sample.

        :param y: np.array (default=None)
            Target values. If 'None' no training is done.

        :return: np.array
            Array of size [n_samples, ..] containing the Random Forest.
            prediction probability for each input sample.
        n_tree = getattr(self, 'n_mgsRFtree')
        min_samples = getattr(self, 'min_samples_mgs')
        stride = getattr(self, 'stride')

        if shape_1X[0] > 1:
            print('Slicing Images...')
            sliced_X, sliced_y = self._window_slicing_img(X, window, shape_1X, y=y, stride=stride)
            print('Slicing Sequence...')
            sliced_X, sliced_y = self._window_slicing_sequence(X, window, shape_1X, y=y, stride=stride)

        if y is not None:
            n_jobs = getattr(self, 'n_jobs')
            prf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=n_tree, max_features='sqrt',
                                         min_samples_split=min_samples, oob_score=True, n_jobs=n_jobs)
            crf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=n_tree, max_features=1,
                                         min_samples_split=min_samples, oob_score=True, n_jobs=n_jobs)
            print('Training MGS Random Forests...')
            prf.fit(sliced_X, sliced_y)
            crf.fit(sliced_X, sliced_y)
            setattr(self, '_mgsprf_{}'.format(window), prf)
            setattr(self, '_mgscrf_{}'.format(window), crf)
            pred_prob_prf = prf.oob_decision_function_
            pred_prob_crf = crf.oob_decision_function_

        if hasattr(self, '_mgsprf_{}'.format(window)) and y is None:
            prf = getattr(self, '_mgsprf_{}'.format(window))
            crf = getattr(self, '_mgscrf_{}'.format(window))
            pred_prob_prf = prf.predict_proba(sliced_X)
            pred_prob_crf = crf.predict_proba(sliced_X)

        pred_prob = np.c_[pred_prob_prf, pred_prob_crf]

        return pred_prob.reshape([getattr(self, '_n_samples'), -1])

    def _window_slicing_img(self, X, window, shape_1X, y=None, stride=1):
        """ Slicing procedure for images

        :param X: np.array
            Array containing the input samples.
            Must be of shape [n_samples, data] where data is a 1D array.

        :param window: int
            Size of the window to use for slicing.

        :param shape_1X: list or np.array
            Shape of a single sample [n_lines, n_cols].

        :param y: np.array (default=None)
            Target values.

        :param stride: int (default=1)
            Step used when slicing the data.

        :return: np.array and np.array
            Arrays containing the sliced images and target values (empty if 'y' is None).
        if any(s < window for s in shape_1X):
            raise ValueError('window must be smaller than both dimensions for an image')

        len_iter_x = np.floor_divide((shape_1X[1] - window), stride) + 1
        len_iter_y = np.floor_divide((shape_1X[0] - window), stride) + 1
        iterx_array = np.arange(0, stride*len_iter_x, stride)
        itery_array = np.arange(0, stride*len_iter_y, stride)

        ref_row = np.arange(0, window)
        ref_ind = np.ravel([ref_row + shape_1X[1] * i for i in range(window)])
        inds_to_take = [ref_ind + ix + shape_1X[1] * iy
                        for ix, iy in itertools.product(iterx_array, itery_array)]

        sliced_imgs = np.take(X, inds_to_take, axis=1).reshape(-1, window**2)

        if y is not None:
            sliced_target = np.repeat(y, len_iter_x * len_iter_y)
        elif y is None:
            sliced_target = None

        return sliced_imgs, sliced_target

    def _window_slicing_sequence(self, X, window, shape_1X, y=None, stride=1):
        """ Slicing procedure for sequences (aka shape_1X = [.., 1]).

        :param X: np.array
            Array containing the input samples.
            Must be of shape [n_samples, data] where data is a 1D array.

        :param window: int
            Size of the window to use for slicing.

        :param shape_1X: list or np.array
            Shape of a single sample [n_lines, n_col].

        :param y: np.array (default=None)
            Target values.

        :param stride: int (default=1)
            Step used when slicing the data.

        :return: np.array and np.array
            Arrays containing the sliced sequences and target values (empty if 'y' is None).
        if shape_1X[1] < window:
            raise ValueError('window must be smaller than the sequence dimension')

        len_iter = np.floor_divide((shape_1X[1] - window), stride) + 1
        iter_array = np.arange(0, stride*len_iter, stride)

        ind_1X = np.arange(np.prod(shape_1X))
        inds_to_take = [ind_1X[i:i+window] for i in iter_array]
        sliced_sqce = np.take(X, inds_to_take, axis=1).reshape(-1, window)

        if y is not None:
            sliced_target = np.repeat(y, len_iter)
        elif y is None:
            sliced_target = None

        return sliced_sqce, sliced_target

    def cascade_forest(self, X, y=None):
        """ Perform (or train if 'y' is not None) a cascade forest estimator.

        :param X: np.array
            Array containing the input samples.
            Must be of shape [n_samples, data] where data is a 1D array.

        :param y: np.array (default=None)
            Target values. If 'None' perform training.

        :return: np.array
            1D array containing the predicted class for each input sample.
        if y is not None:
            setattr(self, 'n_layer', 0)
            test_size = getattr(self, 'cascade_test_size')
            max_layers = getattr(self, 'cascade_layer')
            tol = getattr(self, 'tolerance')

            X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=test_size)

            self.n_layer += 1
            prf_crf_pred_ref = self._cascade_layer(X_train, y_train)
            accuracy_ref = self._cascade_evaluation(X_test, y_test)
            feat_arr = self._create_feat_arr(X_train, prf_crf_pred_ref)

            self.n_layer += 1
            prf_crf_pred_layer = self._cascade_layer(feat_arr, y_train)
            accuracy_layer = self._cascade_evaluation(X_test, y_test)

            while accuracy_layer > (accuracy_ref + tol) and self.n_layer <= max_layers:
                accuracy_ref = accuracy_layer
                prf_crf_pred_ref = prf_crf_pred_layer
                feat_arr = self._create_feat_arr(X_train, prf_crf_pred_ref)
                self.n_layer += 1
                prf_crf_pred_layer = self._cascade_layer(feat_arr, y_train)
                accuracy_layer = self._cascade_evaluation(X_test, y_test)

            if accuracy_layer < accuracy_ref :
                n_cascadeRF = getattr(self, 'n_cascadeRF')
                for irf in range(n_cascadeRF):
                    delattr(self, '_casprf{}_{}'.format(self.n_layer, irf))
                    delattr(self, '_cascrf{}_{}'.format(self.n_layer, irf))
                self.n_layer -= 1

        elif y is None:
            at_layer = 1
            prf_crf_pred_ref = self._cascade_layer(X, layer=at_layer)
            while at_layer < getattr(self, 'n_layer'):
                at_layer += 1
                feat_arr = self._create_feat_arr(X, prf_crf_pred_ref)
                prf_crf_pred_ref = self._cascade_layer(feat_arr, layer=at_layer)

        return prf_crf_pred_ref

    def _cascade_layer(self, X, y=None, layer=0):
        """ Cascade layer containing Random Forest estimators.
        If y is not None the layer is trained.

        :param X: np.array
            Array containing the input samples.
            Must be of shape [n_samples, data] where data is a 1D array.

        :param y: np.array (default=None)
            Target values. If 'None' perform training.

        :param layer: int (default=0)
            Layer indice. Used to call the previously trained layer.

        :return: list
            List containing the prediction probabilities for all samples.
        n_tree = getattr(self, 'n_cascadeRFtree')
        n_cascadeRF = getattr(self, 'n_cascadeRF')
        min_samples = getattr(self, 'min_samples_cascade')

        n_jobs = getattr(self, 'n_jobs')
        prf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=n_tree, max_features='sqrt',
                                     min_samples_split=min_samples, oob_score=True, n_jobs=n_jobs)
        crf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=n_tree, max_features=1,
                                     min_samples_split=min_samples, oob_score=True, n_jobs=n_jobs)

        prf_crf_pred = []
        if y is not None:
            print('Adding/Training Layer, n_layer={}'.format(self.n_layer))
            for irf in range(n_cascadeRF):
                prf.fit(X, y)
                crf.fit(X, y)
                setattr(self, '_casprf{}_{}'.format(self.n_layer, irf), prf)
                setattr(self, '_cascrf{}_{}'.format(self.n_layer, irf), crf)
        elif y is None:
            for irf in range(n_cascadeRF):
                prf = getattr(self, '_casprf{}_{}'.format(layer, irf))
                crf = getattr(self, '_cascrf{}_{}'.format(layer, irf))

        return prf_crf_pred

    def _cascade_evaluation(self, X_test, y_test):
        """ Evaluate the accuracy of the cascade using X and y.

        :param X_test: np.array
            Array containing the test input samples.
            Must be of the same shape as training data.

        :param y_test: np.array
            Test target values.

        :return: float
            the cascade accuracy.
        casc_pred_prob = np.mean(self.cascade_forest(X_test), axis=0)
        casc_pred = np.argmax(casc_pred_prob, axis=1)
        casc_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_true=y_test, y_pred=casc_pred)
        print('Layer validation accuracy = {}'.format(casc_accuracy))

        return casc_accuracy

    def _create_feat_arr(self, X, prf_crf_pred):
        """ Concatenate the original feature vector with the predicition probabilities
        of a cascade layer.

        :param X: np.array
            Array containing the input samples.
            Must be of shape [n_samples, data] where data is a 1D array.

        :param prf_crf_pred: list
            Prediction probabilities by a cascade layer for X.

        :return: np.array
            Concatenation of X and the predicted probabilities.
            To be used for the next layer in a cascade forest.
        swap_pred = np.swapaxes(prf_crf_pred, 0, 1)
        add_feat = swap_pred.reshape([np.shape(X)[0], -1])
        feat_arr = np.concatenate([add_feat, X], axis=1)

        return feat_arr
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
    datas1.iloc[:,:-1], datas1.iloc[:,-1], test_size=0.33)
clf1 = clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=65, max_features="auto",max_depth=30,min_samples_split=200)
clf1.fit(X_train, y_train)
pre_test1 = clf1.predict(X_test)
print("在测试集的accuracy_score为:",accuracy_score(pre_test1, y_test))
在测试集的accuracy_score为: 0.7734294541709578
gcf = gcForest(shape_1X=6,window=4,stride=2)
y_pred = gcf.predict(np.array(X_test))
print("在测试集的accuracy_score为:",accuracy_score(y_pred, y_test))
Slicing Sequence...
Training MGS Random Forests...
Adding/Training Layer, n_layer=1
Layer validation accuracy = 0.4278481012658228
Adding/Training Layer, n_layer=2
Layer validation accuracy = 0.4278481012658228
Slicing Sequence...
在测试集的accuracy_score为: 0.45314109165808447



