Chi-squared test(卡方检验)
information gain(信息增益),详细可见“简单易学的机器学习算法——决策树之ID3算法”
correlation coefficient scores(相关系数)
主要方法有: (递归特征消除算法RFE)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest,SelectPercentile,SelectFromModel,chi2,f_classif,mutual_info_classif,RFE
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor,RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC,LinearSVC,LinearSVR,SVR
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
import lightgbm as lgb
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import gc
from jqdata import *
from jqlib.technical_analysis import *
start_date = '2016-01-01'
end_date = '2018-11-01'
trade_days = get_trade_days(start_date=start_date,end_date=end_date).tolist()
date = trade_days[0]
lookback = 5 #lstm时间轴数据长度
stocks = '000905.XSHG' #中证500
def get_factors_one_stock(stocks,date):
if type(date) != str:
date = datetime.datetime.strftime(date,'%Y-%m-%d')
price = get_price(stocks,end_date=date,count=1)
price.index = [date]
accer = ACCER(stocks,check_date=date,N=5)
accer_df = pd.DataFrame(list(accer.values()),columns=['ACCER'])
adtm,maadtm = ADTM(stocks, date, N = 23, M = 8)
adtm_df = pd.DataFrame(list(adtm.values()),columns=['ADTM'])
maadtm_df = pd.DataFrame(list(maadtm.values()),columns=['MAADTM'])
mtr,atr = ATR(stocks, date, timeperiod=14)
mtr_df = pd.DataFrame(list(mtr.values()),columns=['MTR'])
atr_df = pd.DataFrame(list(atr.values()),columns=['ATR'])
bias,bias_ma = BIAS_QL(stocks, date, M = 6)
bias_df = pd.DataFrame(list(bias.values()),columns=['BIAS'])
cci = CCI(stocks, date, N=14)
cci_df = pd.DataFrame(list(cci.values()),columns=['CCI'])
dkx,madkx = DKX(stocks, date, M = 10)
dkx_df = pd.DataFrame(list(dkx.values()),columns=['DKX'])
k,d = SKDJ(stocks, date, N = 9, M = 3)
k_df = pd.DataFrame(list(k.values()),columns=['KBJ'])
cye,_ = CYE(stocks, date)
cye_df = pd.DataFrame(list(cye.values()),columns=['CYE'])
mfi = MFI(stocks, date, timeperiod=14)
mfi_df = pd.DataFrame(list(mfi.values()),columns=['MFI'])
mtm = MTM(stocks, date, timeperiod=14)
mtm_df = pd.DataFrame(list(mtm.values()),columns=['MTM'])
emv,_ = EMV(stocks, date, N = 14, M = 9)
emv_df = pd.DataFrame(list(mtm.values()),columns=['EMV'])
roc = ROC(stocks, date, timeperiod=12)
roc_df = pd.DataFrame(list(roc.values()),columns=['ROC'])
rsi = RSI(stocks, date, N1=6)
rsi_df = pd.DataFrame(list(rsi.values()),columns=['RSI'])
rsi10,rsi6 = MARSI(stocks, date, M1 = 10, M2 = 6)
rsi10_df = pd.DataFrame(list(rsi10.values()),columns=['RSI10'])
rsi6_df = pd.DataFrame(list(rsi6.values()),columns=['RSI6'])
osc,maosc = OSC(stocks, date, N = 20, M = 6)
osc_df = pd.DataFrame(list(osc.values()),columns=['OSC'])
maosc_df = pd.DataFrame(list(maosc.values()),columns=['MAOSC'])
udl,maudl = UDL(stocks, date, N1 = 3, N2 = 5, N3 = 10, N4 = 20, M = 6)
udl_df = pd.DataFrame(list(udl.values()),columns=['UDL'])
maudl_df = pd.DataFrame(list(maudl.values()),columns=['MAUDL'])
wr,mawr = WR(stocks, date, N = 10, N1 = 6)
wr_df = pd.DataFrame(list(wr.values()),columns=['WR'])
mawr_df = pd.DataFrame(list(mawr.values()),columns=['MAWR'])
fsl,mafsl = FSL(stocks, date)
fsl_df = pd.DataFrame(list(fsl.values()),columns=['FSL'])
mafsl_df = pd.DataFrame(list(mafsl.values()),columns=['MAFSL'])
cho,macho = CHO(stocks, date, N1 = 10, N2 = 20, M = 6)
cho_df = pd.DataFrame(list(cho.values()),columns=['CHO'])
macho_df = pd.DataFrame(list(macho.values()),columns=['MACHO'])
dif,difma = DMA(stocks, date, N1 = 10, N2 = 50, M = 10)
dif_df = pd.DataFrame(list(dif.values()),columns=['DIF'])
difma_df = pd.DataFrame(list(difma.values()),columns=['DIFMA'])
emv,maemv = EMV(stocks, date, N = 14, M = 9)
emv_df = pd.DataFrame(list(emv.values()),columns=['EMV'])
maemv_df = pd.DataFrame(list(maemv.values()),columns=['MAEMV'])
br, ar = BRAR(stocks, date, N=26)
br_df = pd.DataFrame(list(br.values()),columns=['BR'])
ar_df = pd.DataFrame(list(ar.values()),columns=['AR'])
cr,M1,M2,M3,M4 = CR(stocks, date, N=26, M1=10, M2=20, M3=40, M4=62)
cr_df = pd.DataFrame(list(cr.values()),columns=['CR'])
mass,mamass = MASS(stocks, date, N1=9, N2=25, M=6)
mass_df = pd.DataFrame(list(mass.values()),columns=['MASS'])
mamass_df = pd.DataFrame(list(mamass.values()),columns=['MAMASS'])
amo,amo1,amo2 = AMO(stocks, date, M1 = 5, M2 = 10)
amo_df = pd.DataFrame(list(amo.values()),columns=['AMO'])
amo1_df = pd.DataFrame(list(amo1.values()),columns=['AMO1'])
amo2_df = pd.DataFrame(list(amo2.values()),columns=['AMO2'])
df = pd.concat([accer_df,adtm_df,maadtm_df,mtr_df,atr_df,bias_df,cci_df,dkx_df,k_df,cye_df,
df.index = [date]
df = pd.concat([price,df],axis=1)
return df
def get_data_from_date(start_date,end_date,stocks):
trade_date = get_trade_days(start_date=start_date,end_date=end_date)
df = get_factors_one_stock(stocks,trade_date[0])
for date in trade_date[1:]:
df1 = get_factors_one_stock(stocks,date)
df = pd.concat([df,df1])
return df
data = get_data_from_date(start_date,end_date,stocks)
def get_day_profit(stocks,end_date,start_date=None,count=-1,pre_num=1):
stocks:list or Series,股票代码
if count == -1:
price = get_price(stocks,start_date,end_date,fields=['close'])['close']
price = get_price(stocks,end_date=end_date,count=count,fields=['close'])['close']
profit = price.pct_change(periods=pre_num).dropna()
profit[profit > 0] = 1
profit[profit < 0] = 0
profit = profit.to_frame()
return profit
profit_dis = get_day_profit(stocks,start_date=start_date,end_date=end_date)
def get_day_profit_data(stocks,end_date,start_date=None,count=-1,pre_num=1):
stocks:list or Series,股票代码
if count == -1:
price = get_price(stocks,start_date,end_date,fields=['close'])['close']
price = get_price(stocks,end_date=end_date,count=count,fields=['close'])['close']
profit = price.pct_change(periods=pre_num).dropna()
profit = profit.to_frame()
return profit
profit = get_day_profit_data(stocks,start_date=start_date,end_date=end_date)
data_profit = pd.concat([profit,profit_dis],axis=1)
index = data_profit.index
index = [ind.date() for ind in index]
index = [datetime.datetime.strftime(ind,'%Y-%m-%d') for ind in index]
data_profit.index = index
data_concat = pd.concat([data,data_profit],axis=1).dropna(axis=1,how='all').dropna()
open | close | high | low | volume | money | ACCER | ADTM | MAADTM | MTR | ... | CR | MASS | MAMASS | AMO | AMO1 | AMO2 | BR | AR | profit | profit_dis | |
2016-01-05 | 6663.7260 | 6889.7410 | 7020.5410 | 6627.6420 | 1.134282e+10 | 1.567173e+11 | -0.033774 | 0.103386 | 0.195367 | 392.8990 | ... | 61.328407 | 24.405686 | 23.756116 | 1.567173e+07 | 1.328749e+07 | 1.467738e+07 | 53.962648 | 78.039721 | -0.013412 | 0.0 |
2016-01-06 | 6916.5320 | 7065.6070 | 7066.0850 | 6878.6540 | 1.009304e+10 | 1.363515e+11 | -0.029422 | 0.263709 | 0.220436 | 187.4310 | ... | 81.048517 | 24.740819 | 23.977806 | 1.363515e+07 | 1.359704e+07 | 1.428262e+07 | 63.770513 | 92.237866 | 0.025526 | 1.0 |
2016-01-07 | 6937.4160 | 6462.2430 | 6937.4160 | 6454.9730 | 2.842674e+09 | 3.478154e+10 | -0.034488 | 0.208112 | 0.231059 | 610.6340 | ... | 61.128983 | 25.155129 | 24.254879 | 3.478154e+06 | 1.150453e+07 | 1.276140e+07 | 49.294591 | 72.750838 | -0.085395 | 0.0 |
2016-01-08 | 6618.0810 | 6570.4320 | 6689.1410 | 6222.5930 | 1.111296e+10 | 1.389340e+11 | -0.019077 | -0.051259 | 0.214857 | 466.5480 | ... | 57.078890 | 25.634080 | 24.604707 | 1.389340e+07 | 1.163747e+07 | 1.273742e+07 | 56.334665 | 70.071847 | 0.016742 | 1.0 |
2016-01-11 | 6435.8940 | 6128.6560 | 6529.8790 | 6128.2230 | 1.156007e+10 | 1.331196e+11 | -0.032917 | -0.240532 | 0.195078 | 442.2090 | ... | 48.078305 | 26.073200 | 25.007304 | 1.331196e+07 | 1.199808e+07 | 1.278055e+07 | 45.064586 | 61.183308 | -0.067237 | 0.0 |
2016-01-12 | 6126.6700 | 6136.6630 | 6205.5910 | 5994.6360 | 9.190522e+09 | 1.057272e+11 | -0.035711 | -0.277086 | 0.108378 | 210.9550 | ... | 42.163158 | 26.443142 | 25.408676 | 1.057272e+07 | 1.097828e+07 | 1.213288e+07 | 45.997216 | 60.367115 | 0.001306 | 1.0 |
2016-01-13 | 6168.9870 | 5924.0440 | 6226.5410 | 5924.0440 | 8.612340e+09 | 9.845670e+10 | -0.025492 | -0.280338 | -0.015562 | 302.4970 | ... | 42.284528 | 26.774535 | 25.803484 | 9.845670e+06 | 1.022038e+07 | 1.190871e+07 | 43.868450 | 56.349530 | -0.034647 | 0.0 |
2016-01-14 | 5734.6080 | 6124.8200 | 6137.5070 | 5726.8830 | 9.225145e+09 | 1.042551e+11 | -0.017892 | -0.255879 | -0.066236 | 410.6240 | ... | 41.392104 | 27.101585 | 26.196945 | 1.042551e+07 | 1.160985e+07 | 1.155719e+07 | 49.446404 | 71.322609 | 0.033892 | 1.0 |
2016-01-15 | 6078.6150 | 5893.6820 | 6135.2710 | 5852.2410 | 8.863054e+09 | 1.022773e+11 | -0.008175 | -0.048379 | -0.085206 | 283.0300 | ... | 46.500592 | 27.425037 | 26.575263 | 1.022773e+07 | 1.087672e+07 | 1.125709e+07 | 46.717747 | 67.425849 | -0.037738 | 0.0 |
2016-01-18 | 5768.7577 | 5978.9076 | 6051.1817 | 5765.1458 | 7.246979e+09 | 8.698031e+10 | -0.005785 | -0.181086 | -0.140806 | 286.0359 | ... | 44.627386 | 27.805402 | 26.937150 | 8.698031e+06 | 9.953933e+06 | 1.097601e+07 | 48.000275 | 74.629467 | 0.014461 | 1.0 |
2016-01-19 | 5965.3551 | 6197.0947 | 6203.3998 | 5956.2253 | 8.798102e+09 | 1.061855e+11 | 0.006458 | -0.085336 | -0.177487 | 247.1745 | ... | 52.272253 | 28.100521 | 27.275037 | 1.061855e+07 | 9.963099e+06 | 1.047069e+07 | 54.364819 | 82.225748 | 0.036493 | 1.0 |
2016-01-20 | 6161.2319 | 6138.5031 | 6244.9612 | 6095.7216 | 9.194752e+09 | 1.133945e+11 | 0.005389 | -0.056109 | -0.178093 | 149.2396 | ... | 53.839254 | 28.319922 | 27.587834 | 1.133945e+07 | 1.026186e+07 | 1.024112e+07 | 51.571102 | 77.053864 | -0.009455 | 0.0 |
2016-01-21 | 6031.1695 | 5886.8835 | 6191.3173 | 5886.8835 | 8.188276e+09 | 1.005553e+11 | 0.002480 | -0.203549 | -0.173470 | 304.4338 | ... | 46.794107 | 28.498707 | 27.875195 | 1.005553e+07 | 1.018786e+07 | 1.089886e+07 | 47.664853 | 76.054134 | -0.040990 | 0.0 |
2016-01-22 | 5954.3643 | 5980.6111 | 6013.9706 | 5799.7117 | 6.983071e+09 | 8.442937e+10 | -0.005130 | -0.262440 | -0.171639 | 214.2589 | ... | 42.922207 | 28.578580 | 28.121361 | 8.442937e+06 | 9.830900e+06 | 1.035381e+07 | 47.868975 | 73.463078 | 0.015921 | 1.0 |
2016-01-25 | 6034.0844 | 6041.3261 | 6093.2693 | 5976.3363 | 6.530851e+09 | 7.867768e+10 | -0.007770 | -0.278809 | -0.171448 | 116.9330 | ... | 43.096433 | 28.615792 | 28.319820 | 7.867768e+06 | 9.664847e+06 | 9.809390e+06 | 46.149629 | 69.997841 | 0.010152 | 1.0 |
2016-01-26 | 5966.7049 | 5589.3069 | 5982.4993 | 5573.8266 | 8.544392e+09 | 9.810410e+10 | -0.016888 | -0.417006 | -0.191589 | 467.4995 | ... | 37.635734 | 28.689761 | 28.467214 | 9.810410e+06 | 9.503219e+06 | 9.733159e+06 | 41.701218 | 63.667711 | -0.074821 | 0.0 |
2016-01-27 | 5604.1667 | 5514.1886 | 5628.1856 | 5240.6457 | 8.792412e+09 | 9.535493e+10 | -0.020614 | -0.469818 | -0.244269 | 387.5399 | ... | 32.690003 | 28.724038 | 28.571133 | 9.535493e+06 | 9.142428e+06 | 9.702141e+06 | 37.805510 | 56.806062 | -0.013440 | 0.0 |
2016-01-28 | 5441.7378 | 5271.2325 | 5511.3206 | 5257.0812 | 6.733808e+09 | 7.315274e+10 | -0.036915 | -0.500799 | -0.284233 | 257.1074 | ... | 31.198836 | 28.711882 | 28.636460 | 7.315274e+06 | 8.594376e+06 | 9.391118e+06 | 34.996236 | 55.746143 | -0.044060 | 0.0 |
2016-01-29 | 5262.4596 | 5469.1254 | 5515.4864 | 5248.2150 | 7.235909e+09 | 7.830371e+10 | -0.026741 | -0.523053 | -0.338948 | 267.2714 | ... | 31.634291 | 28.659395 | 28.663241 | 7.830371e+06 | 8.471863e+06 | 9.151382e+06 | 39.619276 | 62.037772 | 0.037542 | 1.0 |
2016-02-01 | 5458.6048 | 5399.4771 | 5493.9818 | 5319.7007 | 6.471611e+09 | 7.086333e+10 | -0.007866 | -0.444234 | -0.387463 | 174.2811 | ... | 34.060319 | 28.722404 | 28.687212 | 7.086333e+06 | 8.315576e+06 | 8.990212e+06 | 39.890095 | 62.215496 | -0.012735 | 0.0 |
2016-02-02 | 5407.7068 | 5586.6266 | 5594.3607 | 5407.6681 | 6.657196e+09 | 7.567418e+10 | 0.004889 | -0.480827 | -0.422123 | 194.8836 | ... | 35.509556 | 28.672878 | 28.696726 | 7.567418e+06 | 7.866978e+06 | 8.685099e+06 | 42.675524 | 65.688524 | 0.034661 | 1.0 |
2016-02-03 | 5520.6415 | 5610.1734 | 5634.9198 | 5482.2247 | 6.328073e+09 | 7.062492e+10 | 0.014178 | -0.458559 | -0.446638 | 152.6951 | ... | 37.517234 | 28.527640 | 28.669706 | 7.062492e+06 | 7.372378e+06 | 8.257403e+06 | 43.414685 | 70.510162 | 0.004215 | 1.0 |
2016-02-04 | 5631.3198 | 5721.4853 | 5744.0236 | 5631.3198 | 7.108398e+09 | 8.322622e+10 | 0.012504 | -0.245624 | -0.442490 | 133.8502 | ... | 41.793586 | 28.408172 | 28.617062 | 8.322622e+06 | 7.573847e+06 | 8.084112e+06 | 45.092782 | 71.972026 | 0.019841 | 1.0 |
2016-02-05 | 5734.4807 | 5664.1971 | 5747.9794 | 5662.4365 | 5.607554e+09 | 6.532197e+10 | 0.011728 | -0.183561 | -0.413309 | 85.5429 | ... | 40.314220 | 28.245359 | 28.539308 | 6.532197e+06 | 7.314212e+06 | 7.893038e+06 | 43.784455 | 70.286227 | -0.010013 | 0.0 |
2016-02-15 | 5485.7230 | 5668.0398 | 5700.5221 | 5482.7957 | 5.363125e+09 | 6.335130e+10 | 0.003826 | -0.304867 | -0.392691 | 217.7264 | ... | 38.465993 | 27.619241 | 28.365949 | 6.335130e+06 | 7.163972e+06 | 7.739774e+06 | 43.572896 | 77.166748 | 0.000678 | 1.0 |
2016-02-16 | 5694.7487 | 5902.5341 | 5918.5932 | 5694.7487 | 8.287714e+09 | 9.853490e+10 | 0.009001 | -0.208391 | -0.356140 | 250.5534 | ... | 49.712291 | 26.835981 | 28.051545 | 9.853490e+06 | 7.621186e+06 | 7.744082e+06 | 54.739266 | 97.180582 | 0.041371 | 1.0 |
2016-02-17 | 5889.5021 | 5971.4123 | 5979.4073 | 5854.2197 | 9.058252e+09 | 1.078570e+11 | 0.012362 | 0.081631 | -0.280554 | 125.1876 | ... | 60.656122 | 26.102972 | 27.623228 | 1.078570e+07 | 8.365828e+06 | 7.869103e+06 | 59.516647 | 89.603707 | 0.011669 | 1.0 |
2016-02-18 | 6009.7485 | 5957.1305 | 6034.8519 | 5945.2040 | 9.371480e+09 | 1.101097e+11 | 0.014927 | 0.292758 | -0.188430 | 89.6479 | ... | 57.990047 | 25.232855 | 27.074097 | 1.101097e+07 | 8.903498e+06 | 8.238673e+06 | 56.726834 | 85.412110 | -0.002392 | 0.0 |
2016-02-19 | 5939.6973 | 5979.5164 | 6009.7240 | 5919.6832 | 7.038050e+09 | 8.684912e+10 | 0.011331 | 0.349324 | -0.084661 | 90.0408 | ... | 64.627884 | 24.312137 | 26.391424 | 8.684912e+06 | 9.334041e+06 | 8.324127e+06 | 66.676823 | 100.525871 | 0.003758 | 1.0 |
2016-02-22 | 6055.6751 | 6103.7225 | 6111.6899 | 6029.4589 | 9.432052e+09 | 1.108016e+11 | 0.006725 | 0.367970 | 0.018655 | 132.1735 | ... | 76.778650 | 23.469802 | 25.595498 | 1.108016e+07 | 1.028305e+07 | 8.723510e+06 | 68.506189 | 113.681365 | 0.020772 | 1.0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2018-09-13 | 4727.4300 | 4721.2100 | 4752.9000 | 4655.2100 | 5.569210e+09 | 4.727921e+10 | -0.003221 | 0.011175 | 0.200413 | 97.6900 | ... | 69.946715 | 23.967377 | 24.337838 | 4.727921e+06 | 4.532770e+06 | 4.619689e+06 | 74.260672 | 98.480900 | 0.005803 | 1.0 |
2018-09-14 | 4720.7800 | 4670.0800 | 4724.0000 | 4669.9400 | 5.644793e+09 | 4.493192e+10 | -0.001098 | -0.162627 | 0.156551 | 54.0600 | ... | 64.427541 | 23.802394 | 24.204614 | 4.493192e+06 | 4.366552e+06 | 4.648480e+06 | 61.099788 | 79.808969 | -0.010830 | 0.0 |
2018-09-17 | 4649.9500 | 4602.3900 | 4649.9500 | 4586.3200 | 4.933895e+09 | 3.790586e+10 | -0.004887 | -0.104195 | 0.106659 | 83.7600 | ... | 53.579840 | 23.604222 | 24.056001 | 3.790586e+06 | 4.217149e+06 | 4.562581e+06 | 55.468585 | 72.928115 | -0.014494 | 0.0 |
2018-09-18 | 4588.2300 | 4683.5100 | 4684.2900 | 4584.4300 | 5.443233e+09 | 4.457916e+10 | -0.002984 | -0.046867 | 0.049788 | 99.8600 | ... | 55.431872 | 23.562772 | 23.907221 | 4.457916e+06 | 4.264419e+06 | 4.458680e+06 | 61.550877 | 75.261002 | 0.017626 | 1.0 |
2018-09-19 | 4673.9500 | 4736.8900 | 4772.9500 | 4664.1300 | 6.705586e+09 | 5.567138e+10 | 0.000946 | 0.042052 | 0.003803 | 108.8200 | ... | 61.326228 | 23.667366 | 23.795992 | 5.567138e+06 | 4.607351e+06 | 4.542994e+06 | 69.087141 | 83.588936 | 0.011397 | 1.0 |
2018-09-20 | 4734.4800 | 4733.4800 | 4761.4100 | 4723.3000 | 5.639897e+09 | 4.357434e+10 | 0.005520 | 0.216915 | 0.006135 | 38.1100 | ... | 69.225693 | 23.656107 | 23.710040 | 4.357434e+06 | 4.533253e+06 | 4.533012e+06 | 76.719923 | 93.487073 | -0.000720 | 0.0 |
2018-09-21 | 4743.8100 | 4805.2200 | 4813.2900 | 4721.6900 | 6.589520e+09 | 5.250771e+10 | 0.009482 | 0.216408 | 0.013203 | 91.6000 | ... | 81.780129 | 23.656792 | 23.658276 | 5.250771e+06 | 4.684769e+06 | 4.525661e+06 | 89.122726 | 95.465800 | 0.015156 | 1.0 |
2018-09-25 | 4774.7900 | 4792.5500 | 4810.3400 | 4763.2100 | 5.265424e+09 | 4.264165e+10 | 0.005976 | 0.204063 | 0.047116 | 47.1300 | ... | 87.418677 | 23.694994 | 23.640376 | 4.264165e+06 | 4.779485e+06 | 4.498317e+06 | 89.051036 | 109.867677 | -0.002637 | 0.0 |
2018-09-26 | 4794.0700 | 4815.6300 | 4841.7000 | 4782.3900 | 6.471956e+09 | 5.170976e+10 | 0.004497 | 0.273951 | 0.079963 | 59.3100 | ... | 103.199804 | 23.731866 | 23.661650 | 5.170976e+06 | 4.922097e+06 | 4.593258e+06 | 96.160201 | 116.778116 | 0.004816 | 1.0 |
2018-09-27 | 4812.6400 | 4755.3800 | 4817.6200 | 4754.2800 | 6.143767e+09 | 4.709783e+10 | 0.001140 | 0.265048 | 0.133422 | 63.3400 | ... | 87.797973 | 23.831006 | 23.706355 | 4.709783e+06 | 4.750626e+06 | 4.678988e+06 | 85.369181 | 103.925847 | -0.012511 | 0.0 |
2018-09-28 | 4762.3300 | 4800.7300 | 4802.1600 | 4746.1800 | 5.726864e+09 | 4.593874e+10 | -0.000961 | 0.105008 | 0.159572 | 55.9800 | ... | 86.656692 | 23.900306 | 23.745179 | 4.593874e+06 | 4.797914e+06 | 4.665583e+06 | 94.883650 | 111.995422 | 0.009537 | 1.0 |
2018-10-08 | 4722.4200 | 4646.4900 | 4737.2900 | 4639.4000 | 6.327566e+09 | 4.949483e+10 | -0.006608 | -0.209880 | 0.139196 | 161.3300 | ... | 76.833532 | 24.047857 | 23.810470 | 4.949483e+06 | 4.737656e+06 | 4.711213e+06 | 78.120821 | 99.340290 | -0.032128 | 0.0 |
2018-10-09 | 4652.4900 | 4634.8900 | 4685.2200 | 4612.6400 | 5.043745e+09 | 4.124402e+10 | -0.010148 | -0.269989 | 0.100190 | 72.5800 | ... | 71.410050 | 24.074624 | 23.880109 | 4.124402e+06 | 4.709704e+06 | 4.744594e+06 | 79.902892 | 98.088716 | -0.002497 | 0.0 |
2018-10-10 | 4634.6400 | 4629.8900 | 4655.5500 | 4586.8900 | 5.133964e+09 | 3.954108e+10 | -0.009003 | -0.235881 | 0.043591 | 68.6600 | ... | 60.490738 | 24.133435 | 23.953182 | 3.954108e+06 | 4.466330e+06 | 4.694213e+06 | 68.749785 | 85.112210 | -0.001079 | 0.0 |
2018-10-11 | 4483.2700 | 4307.4200 | 4503.2000 | 4274.7000 | 9.056360e+09 | 6.448032e+10 | -0.023291 | -0.392253 | -0.032492 | 355.1900 | ... | 43.731282 | 24.506854 | 24.082347 | 6.448032e+06 | 4.813980e+06 | 4.782303e+06 | 51.307174 | 71.237939 | -0.069650 | 0.0 |
2018-10-12 | 4267.3600 | 4278.0400 | 4300.0100 | 4136.6300 | 8.152515e+09 | 5.670063e+10 | -0.024880 | -0.447213 | -0.113901 | 170.7900 | ... | 38.549977 | 24.980842 | 24.273986 | 5.670063e+06 | 5.029218e+06 | 4.913566e+06 | 47.363092 | 68.756647 | -0.006821 | 0.0 |
2018-10-15 | 4283.3600 | 4199.1500 | 4317.7100 | 4195.8300 | 6.229185e+09 | 4.484900e+10 | -0.029133 | -0.490331 | -0.209436 | 121.8800 | ... | 45.391382 | 25.518870 | 24.543747 | 4.484900e+06 | 4.936301e+06 | 4.836979e+06 | 49.093801 | 69.663600 | -0.018441 | 0.0 |
2018-10-16 | 4193.3800 | 4099.6800 | 4221.3400 | 4076.8700 | 6.107666e+09 | 4.401588e+10 | -0.028507 | -0.596143 | -0.317085 | 144.4700 | ... | 43.525290 | 26.058143 | 24.878795 | 4.401588e+06 | 4.991738e+06 | 4.850721e+06 | 48.656020 | 67.771137 | -0.023688 | 0.0 |
2018-10-17 | 4147.3500 | 4133.3800 | 4167.7600 | 4038.4200 | 6.952388e+09 | 4.713772e+10 | -0.012736 | -0.627584 | -0.408659 | 129.3400 | ... | 43.450150 | 26.528915 | 25.287843 | 4.713772e+06 | 5.143671e+06 | 4.805000e+06 | 51.131251 | 64.354712 | 0.008220 | 1.0 |
2018-10-18 | 4104.3300 | 4018.4600 | 4104.3300 | 4013.6500 | 5.978391e+09 | 4.038261e+10 | -0.014556 | -0.645559 | -0.463119 | 119.7300 | ... | 36.282002 | 26.914567 | 25.751365 | 4.038261e+06 | 4.661717e+06 | 4.737848e+06 | 44.393792 | 56.040237 | -0.027803 | 0.0 |
2018-10-19 | 3958.4500 | 4127.9900 | 4130.9300 | 3948.5600 | 6.956158e+09 | 4.993703e+10 | -0.005415 | -0.617363 | -0.506541 | 182.3700 | ... | 37.777959 | 27.247880 | 26.208203 | 4.993703e+06 | 4.526445e+06 | 4.777831e+06 | 50.752837 | 69.198765 | 0.027257 | 1.0 |
2018-10-22 | 4165.7600 | 4333.1400 | 4375.6000 | 4165.7600 | 9.295832e+09 | 6.951100e+10 | 0.010651 | -0.392518 | -0.526121 | 247.6100 | ... | 55.956711 | 27.581421 | 26.641633 | 6.951100e+06 | 5.019685e+06 | 4.977993e+06 | 64.027530 | 81.750285 | 0.049697 | 1.0 |
2018-10-23 | 4336.4500 | 4253.5600 | 4350.7300 | 4228.3300 | 7.466806e+09 | 5.444839e+10 | 0.013049 | -0.204236 | -0.502618 | 122.4000 | ... | 57.432321 | 27.747775 | 27.013117 | 5.444839e+06 | 5.228335e+06 | 5.110037e+06 | 58.471927 | 74.170288 | -0.018365 | 0.0 |
2018-10-24 | 4233.8400 | 4245.4900 | 4297.3700 | 4207.1600 | 6.282348e+09 | 4.426471e+10 | 0.013653 | -0.252139 | -0.478234 | 90.2100 | ... | 58.702171 | 27.705536 | 27.287683 | 4.426471e+06 | 5.170875e+06 | 5.157273e+06 | 62.230431 | 81.798145 | -0.001897 | 0.0 |
2018-10-25 | 4124.1900 | 4234.4200 | 4240.5800 | 4103.5600 | 6.968721e+09 | 4.837184e+10 | 0.002957 | -0.228771 | -0.445539 | 141.9300 | ... | 56.672138 | 27.677517 | 27.479116 | 4.837184e+06 | 5.330659e+06 | 4.996188e+06 | 56.982746 | 88.190540 | -0.002607 | 0.0 |
2018-10-26 | 4260.9100 | 4233.9600 | 4294.5600 | 4217.7900 | 6.798362e+09 | 4.682410e+10 | -0.005137 | -0.023063 | -0.373904 | 76.7700 | ... | 61.913304 | 27.553745 | 27.585646 | 4.682410e+06 | 5.268401e+06 | 4.897423e+06 | 58.693241 | 86.840421 | -0.000109 | 0.0 |
2018-10-29 | 4220.6400 | 4162.5300 | 4227.6400 | 4144.8100 | 5.745157e+09 | 4.127810e+10 | -0.004651 | -0.095220 | -0.307358 | 89.1500 | ... | 57.950275 | 27.438440 | 27.617406 | 4.127810e+06 | 4.703743e+06 | 4.861714e+06 | 54.140324 | 85.357584 | -0.016871 | 0.0 |
2018-10-30 | 4145.4000 | 4204.5400 | 4233.7900 | 4096.1400 | 7.283465e+09 | 5.230816e+10 | -0.003658 | -0.235358 | -0.256083 | 137.6500 | ... | 57.724272 | 27.358520 | 27.580256 | 5.230816e+06 | 4.660938e+06 | 4.944636e+06 | 57.217529 | 91.302167 | 0.010092 | 1.0 |
2018-10-31 | 4207.7600 | 4272.5500 | 4298.2400 | 4204.3600 | 7.468776e+09 | 5.324331e+10 | 0.001096 | -0.206124 | -0.204678 | 93.8800 | ... | 67.485252 | 27.255069 | 27.498138 | 5.324331e+06 | 4.840510e+06 | 5.005692e+06 | 64.763499 | 101.728797 | 0.016175 | 1.0 |
2018-11-01 | 4299.4600 | 4298.9800 | 4367.7300 | 4294.8700 | 8.605914e+09 | 6.500469e+10 | 0.005584 | -0.184435 | -0.178668 | 95.1800 | ... | 71.161960 | 27.045829 | 27.388187 | 6.500469e+06 | 5.173167e+06 | 5.251913e+06 | 66.104624 | 99.680511 | 0.006186 | 1.0 |
689 rows × 42 columns
columns = data_concat.columns
data_x = data_concat[columns[:-2]]
data_y = data_concat[columns[-1]]
open | close | high | low | volume | money | ACCER | ADTM | MAADTM | MTR | ... | DIF | DIFMA | CR | MASS | MAMASS | AMO | AMO1 | AMO2 | BR | AR | |
2016-01-05 | 6663.7260 | 6889.7410 | 7020.5410 | 6627.6420 | 1.134282e+10 | 1.567173e+11 | -0.033774 | 0.103386 | 0.195367 | 392.8990 | ... | 63.850480 | 186.924138 | 61.328407 | 24.405686 | 23.756116 | 1.567173e+07 | 1.328749e+07 | 1.467738e+07 | 53.962648 | 78.039721 |
2016-01-06 | 6916.5320 | 7065.6070 | 7066.0850 | 6878.6540 | 1.009304e+10 | 1.363515e+11 | -0.029422 | 0.263709 | 0.220436 | 187.4310 | ... | -11.933040 | 170.916110 | 81.048517 | 24.740819 | 23.977806 | 1.363515e+07 | 1.359704e+07 | 1.428262e+07 | 63.770513 | 92.237866 |
2016-01-07 | 6937.4160 | 6462.2430 | 6937.4160 | 6454.9730 | 2.842674e+09 | 3.478154e+10 | -0.034488 | 0.208112 | 0.231059 | 610.6340 | ... | -131.304000 | 141.078470 | 61.128983 | 25.155129 | 24.254879 | 3.478154e+06 | 1.150453e+07 | 1.276140e+07 | 49.294591 | 72.750838 |
2016-01-08 | 6618.0810 | 6570.4320 | 6689.1410 | 6222.5930 | 1.111296e+10 | 1.389340e+11 | -0.019077 | -0.051259 | 0.214857 | 466.5480 | ... | -238.793640 | 98.111196 | 57.078890 | 25.634080 | 24.604707 | 1.389340e+07 | 1.163747e+07 | 1.273742e+07 | 56.334665 | 70.071847 |
2016-01-11 | 6435.8940 | 6128.6560 | 6529.8790 | 6128.2230 | 1.156007e+10 | 1.331196e+11 | -0.032917 | -0.240532 | 0.195078 | 442.2090 | ... | -386.014140 | 36.896780 | 48.078305 | 26.073200 | 25.007304 | 1.331196e+07 | 1.199808e+07 | 1.278055e+07 | 45.064586 | 61.183308 |
2016-01-12 | 6126.6700 | 6136.6630 | 6205.5910 | 5994.6360 | 9.190522e+09 | 1.057272e+11 | -0.035711 | -0.277086 | 0.108378 | 210.9550 | ... | -516.688560 | -37.896410 | 42.163158 | 26.443142 | 25.408676 | 1.057272e+07 | 1.097828e+07 | 1.213288e+07 | 45.997216 | 60.367115 |
2016-01-13 | 6168.9870 | 5924.0440 | 6226.5410 | 5924.0440 | 8.612340e+09 | 9.845670e+10 | -0.025492 | -0.280338 | -0.015562 | 302.4970 | ... | -671.801780 | -128.938366 | 42.284528 | 26.774535 | 25.803484 | 9.845670e+06 | 1.022038e+07 | 1.190871e+07 | 43.868450 | 56.349530 |
2016-01-14 | 5734.6080 | 6124.8200 | 6137.5070 | 5726.8830 | 9.225145e+09 | 1.042551e+11 | -0.017892 | -0.255879 | -0.066236 | 410.6240 | ... | -810.561120 | -233.916080 | 41.392104 | 27.101585 | 26.196945 | 1.042551e+07 | 1.160985e+07 | 1.155719e+07 | 49.446404 | 71.322609 |
2016-01-15 | 6078.6150 | 5893.6820 | 6135.2710 | 5852.2410 | 8.863054e+09 | 1.022773e+11 | -0.008175 | -0.048379 | -0.085206 | 283.0300 | ... | -955.306440 | -351.075974 | 46.500592 | 27.425037 | 26.575263 | 1.022773e+07 | 1.087672e+07 | 1.125709e+07 | 46.717747 | 67.425849 |
2016-01-18 | 5768.7577 | 5978.9076 | 6051.1817 | 5765.1458 | 7.246979e+09 | 8.698031e+10 | -0.005785 | -0.181086 | -0.140806 | 286.0359 | ... | -1026.397292 | -468.494953 | 44.627386 | 27.805402 | 26.937150 | 8.698031e+06 | 9.953933e+06 | 1.097601e+07 | 48.000275 | 74.629467 |
2016-01-19 | 5965.3551 | 6197.0947 | 6203.3998 | 5956.2253 | 8.798102e+09 | 1.061855e+11 | 0.006458 | -0.085336 | -0.177487 | 247.1745 | ... | -1068.727796 | -581.752781 | 52.272253 | 28.100521 | 27.275037 | 1.061855e+07 | 9.963099e+06 | 1.047069e+07 | 54.364819 | 82.225748 |
2016-01-20 | 6161.2319 | 6138.5031 | 6244.9612 | 6095.7216 | 9.194752e+09 | 1.133945e+11 | 0.005389 | -0.056109 | -0.178093 | 149.2396 | ... | -1132.708088 | -693.830286 | 53.839254 | 28.319922 | 27.587834 | 1.133945e+07 | 1.026186e+07 | 1.024112e+07 | 51.571102 | 77.053864 |
2016-01-21 | 6031.1695 | 5886.8835 | 6191.3173 | 5886.8835 | 8.188276e+09 | 1.005553e+11 | 0.002480 | -0.203549 | -0.173470 | 304.4338 | ... | -1154.288388 | -796.128724 | 46.794107 | 28.498707 | 27.875195 | 1.005553e+07 | 1.018786e+07 | 1.089886e+07 | 47.664853 | 76.054134 |
2016-01-22 | 5954.3643 | 5980.6111 | 6013.9706 | 5799.7117 | 6.983071e+09 | 8.442937e+10 | -0.005130 | -0.262440 | -0.171639 | 214.2589 | ... | -1179.233660 | -890.172726 | 42.922207 | 28.578580 | 28.121361 | 8.442937e+06 | 9.830900e+06 | 1.035381e+07 | 47.868975 | 73.463078 |
2016-01-25 | 6034.0844 | 6041.3261 | 6093.2693 | 5976.3363 | 6.530851e+09 | 7.867768e+10 | -0.007770 | -0.278809 | -0.171448 | 116.9330 | ... | -1157.451012 | -967.316414 | 43.096433 | 28.615792 | 28.319820 | 7.867768e+06 | 9.664847e+06 | 9.809390e+06 | 46.149629 | 69.997841 |
2016-01-26 | 5966.7049 | 5589.3069 | 5982.4993 | 5573.8266 | 8.544392e+09 | 9.810410e+10 | -0.016888 | -0.417006 | -0.191589 | 467.4995 | ... | -1169.595660 | -1032.607124 | 37.635734 | 28.689761 | 28.467214 | 9.810410e+06 | 9.503219e+06 | 9.733159e+06 | 41.701218 | 63.667711 |
2016-01-27 | 5604.1667 | 5514.1886 | 5628.1856 | 5240.6457 | 8.792412e+09 | 9.535493e+10 | -0.020614 | -0.469818 | -0.244269 | 387.5399 | ... | -1167.857352 | -1082.212681 | 32.690003 | 28.724038 | 28.571133 | 9.535493e+06 | 9.142428e+06 | 9.702141e+06 | 37.805510 | 56.806062 |
2016-01-28 | 5441.7378 | 5271.2325 | 5511.3206 | 5257.0812 | 6.733808e+09 | 7.315274e+10 | -0.036915 | -0.500799 | -0.284233 | 257.1074 | ... | -1208.101912 | -1121.966760 | 31.198836 | 28.711882 | 28.636460 | 7.315274e+06 | 8.594376e+06 | 9.391118e+06 | 34.996236 | 55.746143 |
2016-01-29 | 5262.4596 | 5469.1254 | 5515.4864 | 5248.2150 | 7.235909e+09 | 7.830371e+10 | -0.026741 | -0.523053 | -0.338948 | 267.2714 | ... | -1205.567640 | -1146.992880 | 31.634291 | 28.659395 | 28.663241 | 7.830371e+06 | 8.471863e+06 | 9.151382e+06 | 39.619276 | 62.037772 |
2016-02-01 | 5458.6048 | 5399.4771 | 5493.9818 | 5319.7007 | 6.471611e+09 | 7.086333e+10 | -0.007866 | -0.444234 | -0.387463 | 174.2811 | ... | -1215.374912 | -1165.890642 | 34.060319 | 28.722404 | 28.687212 | 7.086333e+06 | 8.315576e+06 | 8.990212e+06 | 39.890095 | 62.215496 |
2016-02-02 | 5407.7068 | 5586.6266 | 5594.3607 | 5407.6681 | 6.657196e+09 | 7.567418e+10 | 0.004889 | -0.480827 | -0.422123 | 194.8836 | ... | -1233.270614 | -1182.344924 | 35.509556 | 28.672878 | 28.696726 | 7.567418e+06 | 7.866978e+06 | 8.685099e+06 | 42.675524 | 65.688524 |
2016-02-03 | 5520.6415 | 5610.1734 | 5634.9198 | 5482.2247 | 6.328073e+09 | 7.062492e+10 | 0.014178 | -0.458559 | -0.446638 | 152.6951 | ... | -1242.337092 | -1193.307824 | 37.517234 | 28.527640 | 28.669706 | 7.062492e+06 | 7.372378e+06 | 8.257403e+06 | 43.414685 | 70.510162 |
2016-02-04 | 5631.3198 | 5721.4853 | 5744.0236 | 5631.3198 | 7.108398e+09 | 8.322622e+10 | 0.012504 | -0.245624 | -0.442490 | 133.8502 | ... | -1214.858938 | -1199.364879 | 41.793586 | 28.408172 | 28.617062 | 8.322622e+06 | 7.573847e+06 | 8.084112e+06 | 45.092782 | 71.972026 |
2016-02-05 | 5734.4807 | 5664.1971 | 5747.9794 | 5662.4365 | 5.607554e+09 | 6.532197e+10 | 0.011728 | -0.183561 | -0.413309 | 85.5429 | ... | -1202.302680 | -1201.671781 | 40.314220 | 28.245359 | 28.539308 | 6.532197e+06 | 7.314212e+06 | 7.893038e+06 | 43.784455 | 70.286227 |
2016-02-15 | 5485.7230 | 5668.0398 | 5700.5221 | 5482.7957 | 5.363125e+09 | 6.335130e+10 | 0.003826 | -0.304867 | -0.392691 | 217.7264 | ... | -1205.469626 | -1206.473643 | 38.465993 | 27.619241 | 28.365949 | 6.335130e+06 | 7.163972e+06 | 7.739774e+06 | 43.572896 | 77.166748 |
2016-02-16 | 5694.7487 | 5902.5341 | 5918.5932 | 5694.7487 | 8.287714e+09 | 9.853490e+10 | 0.009001 | -0.208391 | -0.356140 | 250.5534 | ... | -1144.029608 | -1203.917037 | 49.712291 | 26.835981 | 28.051545 | 9.853490e+06 | 7.621186e+06 | 7.744082e+06 | 54.739266 | 97.180582 |
2016-02-17 | 5889.5021 | 5971.4123 | 5979.4073 | 5854.2197 | 9.058252e+09 | 1.078570e+11 | 0.012362 | 0.081631 | -0.280554 | 125.1876 | ... | -1068.856584 | -1194.016961 | 60.656122 | 26.102972 | 27.623228 | 1.078570e+07 | 8.365828e+06 | 7.869103e+06 | 59.516647 | 89.603707 |
2016-02-18 | 6009.7485 | 5957.1305 | 6034.8519 | 5945.2040 | 9.371480e+09 | 1.101097e+11 | 0.014927 | 0.292758 | -0.188430 | 89.6479 | ... | -971.292194 | -1170.335989 | 57.990047 | 25.232855 | 27.074097 | 1.101097e+07 | 8.903498e+06 | 8.238673e+06 | 56.726834 | 85.412110 |
2016-02-19 | 5939.6973 | 5979.5164 | 6009.7240 | 5919.6832 | 7.038050e+09 | 8.684912e+10 | 0.011331 | 0.349324 | -0.084661 | 90.0408 | ... | -888.433262 | -1138.622551 | 64.627884 | 24.312137 | 26.391424 | 8.684912e+06 | 9.334041e+06 | 8.324127e+06 | 66.676823 | 100.525871 |
2016-02-22 | 6055.6751 | 6103.7225 | 6111.6899 | 6029.4589 | 9.432052e+09 | 1.108016e+11 | 0.006725 | 0.367970 | 0.018655 | 132.1735 | ... | -789.849672 | -1096.070027 | 76.778650 | 23.469802 | 25.595498 | 1.108016e+07 | 1.028305e+07 | 8.723510e+06 | 68.506189 | 113.681365 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2018-09-13 | 4727.4300 | 4721.2100 | 4752.9000 | 4655.2100 | 5.569210e+09 | 4.727921e+10 | -0.003221 | 0.011175 | 0.200413 | 97.6900 | ... | -212.223968 | -171.924877 | 69.946715 | 23.967377 | 24.337838 | 4.727921e+06 | 4.532770e+06 | 4.619689e+06 | 74.260672 | 98.480900 |
2018-09-14 | 4720.7800 | 4670.0800 | 4724.0000 | 4669.9400 | 5.644793e+09 | 4.493192e+10 | -0.001098 | -0.162627 | 0.156551 | 54.0600 | ... | -220.166968 | -177.095321 | 64.427541 | 23.802394 | 24.204614 | 4.493192e+06 | 4.366552e+06 | 4.648480e+06 | 61.099788 | 79.808969 |
2018-09-17 | 4649.9500 | 4602.3900 | 4649.9500 | 4586.3200 | 4.933895e+09 | 3.790586e+10 | -0.004887 | -0.104195 | 0.106659 | 83.7600 | ... | -233.711768 | -184.254765 | 53.579840 | 23.604222 | 24.056001 | 3.790586e+06 | 4.217149e+06 | 4.562581e+06 | 55.468585 | 72.928115 |
2018-09-18 | 4588.2300 | 4683.5100 | 4684.2900 | 4584.4300 | 5.443233e+09 | 4.457916e+10 | -0.002984 | -0.046867 | 0.049788 | 99.8600 | ... | -245.328368 | -193.098868 | 55.431872 | 23.562772 | 23.907221 | 4.457916e+06 | 4.264419e+06 | 4.458680e+06 | 61.550877 | 75.261002 |
2018-09-19 | 4673.9500 | 4736.8900 | 4772.9500 | 4664.1300 | 6.705586e+09 | 5.567138e+10 | 0.000946 | 0.042052 | 0.003803 | 108.8200 | ... | -247.156968 | -202.494888 | 61.326228 | 23.667366 | 23.795992 | 5.567138e+06 | 4.607351e+06 | 4.542994e+06 | 69.087141 | 83.588936 |
2018-09-20 | 4734.4800 | 4733.4800 | 4761.4100 | 4723.3000 | 5.639897e+09 | 4.357434e+10 | 0.005520 | 0.216915 | 0.006135 | 38.1100 | ... | -244.363568 | -211.431888 | 69.225693 | 23.656107 | 23.710040 | 4.357434e+06 | 4.533253e+06 | 4.533012e+06 | 76.719923 | 93.487073 |
2018-09-21 | 4743.8100 | 4805.2200 | 4813.2900 | 4721.6900 | 6.589520e+09 | 5.250771e+10 | 0.009482 | 0.216408 | 0.013203 | 91.6000 | ... | -235.040168 | -219.683408 | 81.780129 | 23.656792 | 23.658276 | 5.250771e+06 | 4.684769e+06 | 4.525661e+06 | 89.122726 | 95.465800 |
2018-09-25 | 4774.7900 | 4792.5500 | 4810.3400 | 4763.2100 | 5.265424e+09 | 4.264165e+10 | 0.005976 | 0.204063 | 0.047116 | 47.1300 | ... | -218.220168 | -224.568828 | 87.418677 | 23.694994 | 23.640376 | 4.264165e+06 | 4.779485e+06 | 4.498317e+06 | 89.051036 | 109.867677 |
2018-09-26 | 4794.0700 | 4815.6300 | 4841.7000 | 4782.3900 | 6.471956e+09 | 5.170976e+10 | 0.004497 | 0.273951 | 0.079963 | 59.3100 | ... | -199.335768 | -225.841168 | 103.199804 | 23.731866 | 23.661650 | 5.170976e+06 | 4.922097e+06 | 4.593258e+06 | 96.160201 | 116.778116 |
2018-09-27 | 4812.6400 | 4755.3800 | 4817.6200 | 4754.2800 | 6.143767e+09 | 4.709783e+10 | 0.001140 | 0.265048 | 0.133422 | 63.3400 | ... | -185.169568 | -224.071728 | 87.797973 | 23.831006 | 23.706355 | 4.709783e+06 | 4.750626e+06 | 4.678988e+06 | 85.369181 | 103.925847 |
2018-09-28 | 4762.3300 | 4800.7300 | 4802.1600 | 4746.1800 | 5.726864e+09 | 4.593874e+10 | -0.000961 | 0.105008 | 0.159572 | 55.9800 | ... | -171.005568 | -219.949888 | 86.656692 | 23.900306 | 23.745179 | 4.593874e+06 | 4.797914e+06 | 4.665583e+06 | 94.883650 | 111.995422 |
2018-10-08 | 4722.4200 | 4646.4900 | 4737.2900 | 4639.4000 | 6.327566e+09 | 4.949483e+10 | -0.006608 | -0.209880 | 0.139196 | 161.3300 | ... | -162.789368 | -214.212128 | 76.833532 | 24.047857 | 23.810470 | 4.949483e+06 | 4.737656e+06 | 4.711213e+06 | 78.120821 | 99.340290 |
2018-10-09 | 4652.4900 | 4634.8900 | 4685.2200 | 4612.6400 | 5.043745e+09 | 4.124402e+10 | -0.010148 | -0.269989 | 0.100190 | 72.5800 | ... | -147.957168 | -205.636668 | 71.410050 | 24.074624 | 23.880109 | 4.124402e+06 | 4.709704e+06 | 4.744594e+06 | 79.902892 | 98.088716 |
2018-10-10 | 4634.6400 | 4629.8900 | 4655.5500 | 4586.8900 | 5.133964e+09 | 3.954108e+10 | -0.009003 | -0.235881 | 0.043591 | 68.6600 | ... | -139.824168 | -195.086248 | 60.490738 | 24.133435 | 23.953182 | 3.954108e+06 | 4.466330e+06 | 4.694213e+06 | 68.749785 | 85.112210 |
2018-10-11 | 4483.2700 | 4307.4200 | 4503.2000 | 4274.7000 | 9.056360e+09 | 6.448032e+10 | -0.023291 | -0.392253 | -0.032492 | 355.1900 | ... | -162.746368 | -186.645188 | 43.731282 | 24.506854 | 24.082347 | 6.448032e+06 | 4.813980e+06 | 4.782303e+06 | 51.307174 | 71.237939 |
2018-10-12 | 4267.3600 | 4278.0400 | 4300.0100 | 4136.6300 | 8.152515e+09 | 5.670063e+10 | -0.024880 | -0.447213 | -0.113901 | 170.7900 | ... | -188.381568 | -181.046988 | 38.549977 | 24.980842 | 24.273986 | 5.670063e+06 | 5.029218e+06 | 4.913566e+06 | 47.363092 | 68.756647 |
2018-10-15 | 4283.3600 | 4199.1500 | 4317.7100 | 4195.8300 | 6.229185e+09 | 4.484900e+10 | -0.029133 | -0.490331 | -0.209436 | 121.8800 | ... | -227.985768 | -180.341548 | 45.391382 | 25.518870 | 24.543747 | 4.484900e+06 | 4.936301e+06 | 4.836979e+06 | 49.093801 | 69.663600 |
2018-10-16 | 4193.3800 | 4099.6800 | 4221.3400 | 4076.8700 | 6.107666e+09 | 4.401588e+10 | -0.028507 | -0.596143 | -0.317085 | 144.4700 | ... | -275.563368 | -186.075868 | 43.525290 | 26.058143 | 24.878795 | 4.401588e+06 | 4.991738e+06 | 4.850721e+06 | 48.656020 | 67.771137 |
2018-10-17 | 4147.3500 | 4133.3800 | 4167.7600 | 4038.4200 | 6.952388e+09 | 4.713772e+10 | -0.012736 | -0.627584 | -0.408659 | 129.3400 | ... | -322.681568 | -198.410448 | 43.450150 | 26.528915 | 25.287843 | 4.713772e+06 | 5.143671e+06 | 4.805000e+06 | 51.131251 | 64.354712 |
2018-10-18 | 4104.3300 | 4018.4600 | 4104.3300 | 4013.6500 | 5.978391e+09 | 4.038261e+10 | -0.014556 | -0.645559 | -0.463119 | 119.7300 | ... | -374.635368 | -217.357028 | 36.282002 | 26.914567 | 25.751365 | 4.038261e+06 | 4.661717e+06 | 4.737848e+06 | 44.393792 | 56.040237 |
2018-10-19 | 3958.4500 | 4127.9900 | 4130.9300 | 3948.5600 | 6.956158e+09 | 4.993703e+10 | -0.005415 | -0.617363 | -0.506541 | 182.3700 | ... | -424.548968 | -242.711368 | 37.777959 | 27.247880 | 26.208203 | 4.993703e+06 | 4.526445e+06 | 4.777831e+06 | 50.752837 | 69.198765 |
2018-10-22 | 4165.7600 | 4333.1400 | 4375.6000 | 4165.7600 | 9.295832e+09 | 6.951100e+10 | 0.010651 | -0.392518 | -0.526121 | 247.6100 | ... | -443.951768 | -270.827608 | 55.956711 | 27.581421 | 26.641633 | 6.951100e+06 | 5.019685e+06 | 4.977993e+06 | 64.027530 | 81.750285 |
2018-10-23 | 4336.4500 | 4253.5600 | 4350.7300 | 4228.3300 | 7.466806e+09 | 5.444839e+10 | 0.013049 | -0.204236 | -0.502618 | 122.4000 | ... | -470.650968 | -303.096988 | 57.432321 | 27.747775 | 27.013117 | 5.444839e+06 | 5.228335e+06 | 5.110037e+06 | 58.471927 | 74.170288 |
2018-10-24 | 4233.8400 | 4245.4900 | 4297.3700 | 4207.1600 | 6.282348e+09 | 4.426471e+10 | 0.013653 | -0.252139 | -0.478234 | 90.2100 | ... | -494.863368 | -338.600908 | 58.702171 | 27.705536 | 27.287683 | 4.426471e+06 | 5.170875e+06 | 5.157273e+06 | 62.230431 | 81.798145 |
2018-10-25 | 4124.1900 | 4234.4200 | 4240.5800 | 4103.5600 | 6.968721e+09 | 4.837184e+10 | 0.002957 | -0.228771 | -0.445539 | 141.9300 | ... | -489.240368 | -371.250308 | 56.672138 | 27.677517 | 27.479116 | 4.837184e+06 | 5.330659e+06 | 4.996188e+06 | 56.982746 | 88.190540 |
2018-10-26 | 4260.9100 | 4233.9600 | 4294.5600 | 4217.7900 | 6.798362e+09 | 4.682410e+10 | -0.005137 | -0.023063 | -0.373904 | 76.7700 | ... | -478.232168 | -400.235368 | 61.913304 | 27.553745 | 27.585646 | 4.682410e+06 | 5.268401e+06 | 4.897423e+06 | 58.693241 | 86.840421 |
2018-10-29 | 4220.6400 | 4162.5300 | 4227.6400 | 4144.8100 | 5.745157e+09 | 4.127810e+10 | -0.004651 | -0.095220 | -0.307358 | 89.1500 | ... | -464.534568 | -423.890248 | 57.950275 | 27.438440 | 27.617406 | 4.127810e+06 | 4.703743e+06 | 4.861714e+06 | 54.140324 | 85.357584 |
2018-10-30 | 4145.4000 | 4204.5400 | 4233.7900 | 4096.1400 | 7.283465e+09 | 5.230816e+10 | -0.003658 | -0.235358 | -0.256083 | 137.6500 | ... | -437.033768 | -440.037288 | 57.724272 | 27.358520 | 27.580256 | 5.230816e+06 | 4.660938e+06 | 4.944636e+06 | 57.217529 | 91.302167 |
2018-10-31 | 4207.7600 | 4272.5500 | 4298.2400 | 4204.3600 | 7.468776e+09 | 5.324331e+10 | 0.001096 | -0.206124 | -0.204678 | 93.8800 | ... | -407.810168 | -448.550148 | 67.485252 | 27.255069 | 27.498138 | 5.324331e+06 | 4.840510e+06 | 5.005692e+06 | 64.763499 | 101.728797 |
2018-11-01 | 4299.4600 | 4298.9800 | 4367.7300 | 4294.8700 | 8.605914e+09 | 6.500469e+10 | 0.005584 | -0.184435 | -0.178668 | 95.1800 | ... | -367.081568 | -447.794768 | 71.161960 | 27.045829 | 27.388187 | 6.500469e+06 | 5.173167e+06 | 5.251913e+06 | 66.104624 | 99.680511 |
689 rows × 40 columns
def winsorize_and_standarlize(data,qrange=[0.05,0.95],axis=0):
data:Dataframe or series,输入数据
if isinstance(data,pd.DataFrame):
if axis == 0:
q_down = data.quantile(qrange[0])
q_up = data.quantile(qrange[1])
index = data.index
col = data.columns
for n in col:
array = np.array(data[n])
data[n][data[n] > q_up[n]] = q_up[n]
data[n][data[n] < q_down[n]] = q_down[n]
data = (data - data.mean())/data.std()
data = data.fillna(0)
data = data.stack()
data = data.unstack(0)
q = data.quantile(qrange)
index = data.index
col = data.columns
for n in col:
data[n][data[n] > q[n]] = q[n]
data = (data - data.mean())/data.std()
data = data.stack().unstack(0)
data = data.fillna(0)
elif isinstance(data,pd.Series):
name = data.name
q = data.quantile(qrange)
data[data>q] = q
data = (data - data.mean())/data.std()
return data
datax_new = winsorize_and_standarlize(data_x)
/opt/conda/envs/python3new/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/generic.py:5233: SettingWithCopyWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame See the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy self._update_inplace(new_data) /opt/conda/envs/python3new/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:37: SettingWithCopyWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame See the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy
def pca_analysis(data,n_components='mle'):
index = data.index
model = PCA(n_components=n_components)
data_pca = model.transform(data)
df = pd.DataFrame(data_pca,index=index)
return df
class FeatureSelection():
def __init__(self):
self.supports = None #bool型,特征是否被选中
self.columns = None #选择的特征
self.record_collinear = None #自相关矩阵大于门限值
def identify_collinear(self, data, correlation_threshold):
Finds collinear features based on the correlation coefficient between features.
For each pair of features with a correlation coefficient greather than `correlation_threshold`,
only one of the pair is identified for removal.
Using code adapted from: https://gist.github.com/Swarchal/e29a3a1113403710b6850590641f046c
data : dataframe
Data observations in the rows and features in the columns
correlation_threshold : float between 0 and 1
Value of the Pearson correlation cofficient for identifying correlation features
columns = data.columns
self.correlation_threshold = correlation_threshold
# Calculate the correlations between every column
corr_matrix = data.corr()
self.corr_matrix = corr_matrix
# Extract the upper triangle of the correlation matrix
upper = corr_matrix.where(np.triu(np.ones(corr_matrix.shape), k = 1).astype(np.bool))
# Select the features with correlations above the threshold
# Need to use the absolute value
to_drop = [column for column in upper.columns if any(upper[column].abs() > correlation_threshold)]
obtain_columns = [column for column in columns if column not in to_drop]
self.columns = obtain_columns
# Dataframe to hold correlated pairs
record_collinear = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['drop_feature', 'corr_feature', 'corr_value'])
# Iterate through the columns to drop
for column in to_drop:
# Find the correlated features
corr_features = list(upper.index[upper[column].abs() > correlation_threshold])
# Find the correlated values
corr_values = list(upper[column][upper[column].abs() > correlation_threshold])
drop_features = [column for _ in range(len(corr_features))]
# Record the information (need a temp df for now)
temp_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'drop_feature': drop_features,
'corr_feature': corr_features,
'corr_value': corr_values})
# Add to dataframe
record_collinear = record_collinear.append(temp_df, ignore_index = True)
self.record_collinear = record_collinear
return data[obtain_columns]
def identify_importance_lgbm(self, features, labels,p_importance=0.8, eval_metric='auc', task='classification',
n_iterations=10, early_stopping = True):
Identify the features with zero importance according to a gradient boosting machine.
The gbm can be trained with early stopping using a validation set to prevent overfitting.
The feature importances are averaged over n_iterations to reduce variance.
Uses the LightGBM implementation (http://lightgbm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html)
features : dataframe
Data for training the model with observations in the rows
and features in the columns
labels : array, shape = (1, )
Array of labels for training the model. These can be either binary
(if task is 'classification') or continuous (if task is 'regression')
p_importance:float, range[0,1],default = 0.8
sum of the importance of features above the value
eval_metric : string
Evaluation metric to use for the gradient boosting machine
task : string, default = 'classification'
The machine learning task, either 'classification' or 'regression'
n_iterations : int, default = 10
Number of iterations to train the gradient boosting machine
early_stopping : boolean, default = True
Whether or not to use early stopping with a validation set when training
- Features are one-hot encoded to handle the categorical variables before training.
- The gbm is not optimized for any particular task and might need some hyperparameter tuning
- Feature importances, including zero importance features, can change across runs
# One hot encoding
data = features
features = pd.get_dummies(features)
# Extract feature names
feature_names = list(features.columns)
# Convert to np array
features = np.array(features)
labels = np.array(labels).reshape((-1, ))
# Empty array for feature importances
feature_importance_values = np.zeros(len(feature_names))
print('Training Gradient Boosting Model\n')
# Iterate through each fold
for _ in range(n_iterations):
if task == 'classification':
model = lgb.LGBMClassifier(n_estimators=100, learning_rate = 0.05, verbose = -1)
elif task == 'regression':
model = lgb.LGBMRegressor(n_estimators=100, learning_rate = 0.05, verbose = -1)
raise ValueError('Task must be either "classification" or "regression"')
# If training using early stopping need a validation set
if early_stopping:
train_features, valid_features, train_labels, valid_labels = train_test_split(features, labels, test_size = 0.15)
# Train the model with early stopping
model.fit(train_features, train_labels, eval_metric = eval_metric,
eval_set = [(valid_features, valid_labels)],
verbose = -1)
# Clean up memory
del train_features, train_labels, valid_features, valid_labels
model.fit(features, labels)
# Record the feature importances
feature_importance_values += model.feature_importances_ / n_iterations
feature_importances = pd.DataFrame({'feature': feature_names, 'importance': feature_importance_values})
# Sort features according to importance
feature_importances = feature_importances.sort_values('importance', ascending = False).reset_index(drop = True)
# Normalize the feature importances to add up to one
feature_importances['normalized_importance'] = feature_importances['importance'] / feature_importances['importance'].sum()
feature_importances['cumulative_importance'] = np.cumsum(feature_importances['normalized_importance'])
select_df = feature_importances[feature_importances['cumulative_importance']<=p_importance]
select_columns = select_df['feature']
self.columns = list(select_columns.values)
res = data[self.columns]
return res
def filter_select(self, data_x, data_y, k=None, p=50,method=f_classif):
columns = data_x.columns
if k != None:
model = SelectKBest(method,k)
res = model.fit_transform(data_x,data_y)
supports = model.get_support()
model = SelectPercentile(method,p)
res = model.fit_transform(data_x,data_y)
supports = model.get_support()
self.support_ = supports
self.columns = columns[supports]
return res
def wrapper_select(self,data_x,data_y,n,estimator):
columns = data_x.columns
model = RFE(estimator=estimator,n_features_to_select=n)
res = model.fit_transform(data_x,data_y)
supports = model.get_support() #标识被选择的特征在原数据中的位置
self.supports = supports
self.columns = columns[supports]
return res
def embedded_select(self,data_x,data_y,estimator,threshold=None):
threshold : string, float, optional default None
The threshold value to use for feature selection. Features whose importance is greater or
equal are kept while the others are discarded. If “median” (resp. “mean”), then the
threshold value is the median (resp. the mean) of the feature importances.
A scaling factor (e.g., “1.25*mean”) may also be used. If None and if the estimator
has a parameter penalty set to l1, either explicitly or implicitly (e.g, Lasso),
the threshold used is 1e-5. Otherwise, “mean” is used by default.
columns = data_x.columns
model = SelectFromModel(estimator=estimator,prefit=False,threshold=threshold)
res = model.fit_transform(data_x,data_y)
supports = model.get_support()
self.supports = supports
self.columns = columns[supports]
return res
f = FeatureSelection()
lgbm_res = f.identify_importance_lgbm(data_x,data_y)
Training Gradient Boosting Model ['MAWR', 'BIAS', 'ACCER', 'MTR', 'CYE', 'KBJ', 'RSI', 'WR', 'CCI', 'MASS', 'ADTM', 'open', 'MAMASS', 'ATR', 'volume', 'money', 'CHO'] MAWR BIAS ACCER MTR CYE KBJ \ 2016-01-05 78.338711 -3.653359 -0.014579 244.0453 -1.265312 25.995501 2016-01-06 61.434997 -3.589190 -0.014579 187.4310 -1.265312 26.969961 2016-01-07 96.373261 -3.653359 -0.014579 244.0453 -1.265312 20.602534 2016-01-08 77.423358 -3.653359 -0.014579 244.0453 -1.265312 19.244427 2016-01-11 96.373261 -3.653359 -0.014579 244.0453 -1.265312 16.128881 2016-01-12 86.744399 -3.653359 -0.014579 210.9550 -1.265312 16.128881 2016-01-13 96.373261 -3.653359 -0.014579 244.0453 -1.265312 16.128881 2016-01-14 67.127125 -1.601040 -0.014579 244.0453 -1.080721 16.128881 2016-01-15 82.665875 -3.653359 -0.008175 244.0453 -1.265312 16.128881 2016-01-18 68.614464 -0.865861 -0.005785 244.0453 -0.495727 16.128881 2016-01-19 5.893291 2.081724 0.006458 244.0453 0.201050 20.389337 2016-01-20 20.548655 1.583050 0.005389 149.2396 0.712050 27.703703 2016-01-21 69.116535 -2.480929 0.002480 244.0453 -0.784414 27.587728 2016-01-22 55.094126 -0.532257 -0.005130 214.2589 0.288848 32.905520 2016-01-25 42.440301 0.067996 -0.007770 116.9330 0.206807 41.182122 2016-01-26 96.373261 -3.653359 -0.014579 244.0453 -1.265312 33.532389 2016-01-27 72.763250 -3.653359 -0.014579 244.0453 -1.265312 30.046047 2016-01-28 96.373261 -3.653359 -0.014579 244.0453 -1.265312 22.424333 2016-01-29 73.202747 -3.103540 -0.014579 244.0453 -1.265312 20.600271 2016-02-01 81.371452 -2.667277 -0.007866 174.2811 -1.265312 18.947910 2016-02-02 53.362645 2.081724 0.004889 194.8836 -0.009838 22.896170 2016-02-03 6.276446 2.081724 0.008691 152.6951 0.352359 28.994213 2016-02-04 4.545766 2.081724 0.008691 133.8502 0.770239 37.368993 2016-02-05 16.764359 1.596653 0.008691 85.5429 0.702028 44.393854 2016-02-15 18.665322 1.064605 0.003826 217.7264 0.770239 56.112406 2016-02-16 3.143142 2.081724 0.008691 244.0453 0.770239 69.415061 2016-02-17 1.608061 2.081724 0.008691 125.1876 0.770239 80.113602 2016-02-18 14.078530 2.081724 0.008691 89.6479 0.770239 85.042880 2016-02-19 10.023527 2.081724 0.008691 90.0408 0.770239 87.808769 2016-02-22 1.266890 2.081724 0.006725 132.1735 0.770239 91.231612 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2018-09-13 68.914846 -0.284532 -0.003221 97.6900 -0.304557 16.128881 2018-09-14 92.996420 -0.934565 -0.001098 54.0600 -0.515356 16.128881 2018-09-17 92.262507 -1.712343 -0.004887 83.7600 -0.436257 16.128881 2018-09-18 41.188342 0.096174 -0.002984 99.8600 -0.082897 16.717529 2018-09-19 19.127944 1.114592 0.000946 108.8200 0.183645 27.302842 2018-09-20 20.936771 0.899971 0.005520 38.1100 0.052404 40.903068 2018-09-21 3.526173 2.081724 0.008691 91.6000 0.576872 58.195815 2018-09-25 9.062309 1.415178 0.005976 47.1300 0.770239 70.704470 2018-09-26 10.133323 1.142916 0.004497 59.3100 0.556256 78.622184 2018-09-27 48.611815 -0.373161 0.001140 63.3400 0.077417 77.557991 2018-09-28 34.138822 0.353238 -0.000961 55.9800 0.281354 78.921221 2018-10-08 96.373261 -2.575692 -0.006608 161.3300 -0.662216 65.562352 2018-10-09 90.286388 -2.237001 -0.010148 72.5800 -0.662137 48.260449 2018-10-10 83.124681 -1.780822 -0.009003 68.6600 -0.785266 36.088690 2018-10-11 93.973329 -3.653359 -0.014579 244.0453 -1.265312 25.466259 2018-10-12 78.752273 -3.653359 -0.014579 170.7900 -1.265312 21.458130 2018-10-15 89.591449 -3.653359 -0.014579 121.8800 -1.265312 17.308367 2018-10-16 96.250514 -3.653359 -0.014579 144.4700 -1.265312 16.128881 2018-10-17 84.612642 -3.303550 -0.012736 129.3400 -1.265312 16.128881 2018-10-18 96.373261 -3.653359 -0.014556 119.7300 -1.265312 16.128881 2018-10-19 51.393742 -0.357087 -0.005415 182.3700 -0.723875 16.128881 2018-10-22 9.942862 2.081724 0.008691 244.0453 0.651111 23.176810 2018-10-23 28.578119 2.081724 0.008691 122.4000 0.742928 33.999893 2018-10-24 30.467872 1.437240 0.008691 90.2100 0.537272 45.588723 2018-10-25 33.060135 0.767301 0.002957 141.9300 0.770239 53.823716 2018-10-26 33.167853 -0.097528 -0.005137 76.7700 0.499986 59.134571 2018-10-29 78.323041 -1.916185 -0.004651 89.1500 -0.800964 58.204987 2018-10-30 57.421737 -0.423375 -0.003658 137.6500 -0.231993 58.407060 2018-10-31 12.711529 1.111524 0.001096 93.8800 0.128362 62.823006 2018-11-01 25.313892 1.522810 0.005584 95.1800 0.305856 66.366949 RSI WR CCI MASS ADTM open \ 2016-01-05 18.903721 79.093178 -186.121428 24.405686 0.103386 6617.1761 2016-01-06 30.910499 65.064894 -158.915266 24.740819 0.263709 6617.1761 2016-01-07 18.903721 95.045375 -176.589372 25.155129 0.208112 6617.1761 2016-01-08 24.735370 78.462475 -147.819294 25.634080 -0.051259 6617.1761 2016-01-11 18.903721 95.045375 -142.946447 26.073200 -0.240532 6435.8940 2016-01-12 18.903721 91.969796 -132.997057 26.443142 -0.277086 6126.6700 2016-01-13 18.903721 95.045375 -119.558891 26.774535 -0.280338 6168.9870 2016-01-14 28.535727 80.458925 -104.787337 27.101585 -0.255879 5734.6080 2016-01-15 23.418016 91.208232 -94.795975 27.425037 -0.048379 6078.6150 2016-01-18 29.048292 81.180987 -86.669834 27.730879 -0.181086 5768.7577 2016-01-19 42.120968 64.888665 -57.527264 27.730879 -0.085336 5965.3551 2016-01-20 39.760280 65.996788 -44.887638 27.730879 -0.056109 6161.2319 2016-01-21 30.850088 83.372391 -65.671969 27.730879 -0.203549 6031.1695 2016-01-22 37.146213 68.402321 -73.744777 27.730879 -0.262440 5954.3643 2016-01-25 41.300762 39.305862 -43.544486 27.730879 -0.278809 6034.0844 2016-01-26 25.966830 95.045375 -149.960439 27.730879 -0.417006 5966.7049 2016-01-27 24.176785 72.763250 -186.121428 27.730879 -0.469818 5604.1667 2016-01-28 19.073601 95.045375 -186.121428 27.730879 -0.500799 5441.7378 2016-01-29 32.914253 77.250207 -138.482280 27.730879 -0.504185 5262.4596 2016-02-01 30.696959 84.185109 -110.057693 27.730879 -0.444234 5458.6048 2016-02-02 43.064463 65.550576 -64.709546 27.730879 -0.480827 5407.7068 2016-02-03 44.558259 61.129827 -45.422665 27.730879 -0.458559 5520.6415 2016-02-04 51.740809 43.604704 -9.993732 27.730879 -0.245624 5631.3198 2016-02-05 47.907693 50.323754 -7.885303 27.730879 -0.183561 5734.4807 2016-02-15 48.216483 42.388350 -21.501290 27.619241 -0.304867 5485.7230 2016-02-16 63.890686 2.368782 65.064572 26.835981 -0.208391 5694.7487 2016-02-17 67.371797 1.093420 103.822963 26.102972 0.081631 5889.5021 2016-02-18 65.793588 9.880213 116.760709 25.232855 0.292758 6009.7485 2016-02-19 67.237167 7.737595 118.193982 24.312137 0.349324 5939.6973 2016-02-22 74.423715 1.131698 131.103834 23.469802 0.367970 6055.6751 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2018-09-13 33.637028 73.579921 -106.862058 23.967377 0.011175 4803.9160 2018-09-14 25.771144 94.047476 -110.417843 23.802394 -0.162627 4803.9160 2018-09-17 18.903721 94.957640 -145.284757 23.604222 -0.104195 4803.9160 2018-09-18 41.556399 67.174662 -97.722838 23.562772 -0.046867 4803.9160 2018-09-19 52.148974 46.146238 -24.527022 23.667366 0.042052 4803.9160 2018-09-20 51.434355 47.350759 -3.961792 23.656107 0.216915 4803.9160 2018-09-21 63.917286 3.526173 45.710485 23.656792 0.216408 4803.9160 2018-09-25 60.615366 9.062309 71.915944 23.694994 0.204063 4803.9160 2018-09-26 64.611590 10.133323 111.400793 23.731866 0.273951 4803.9160 2018-09-27 49.027941 33.552299 65.320924 23.831006 0.265048 4812.6400 2018-09-28 58.145910 15.924904 81.175132 23.900306 0.105008 4803.9160 2018-10-08 33.608914 75.877483 -70.958232 24.047857 -0.209880 4803.9160 2018-10-09 32.375905 80.386365 -98.655856 24.074624 -0.269989 4803.9160 2018-10-10 31.772980 83.124681 -105.865570 24.133435 -0.235881 4803.9160 2018-10-11 18.903721 94.229277 -186.121428 24.506854 -0.392253 4803.9160 2018-10-12 18.903721 79.943835 -186.121428 24.980842 -0.447213 4803.9160 2018-10-15 18.903721 91.132795 -172.803014 25.518870 -0.490331 4803.9160 2018-10-16 18.903721 95.045375 -153.141503 26.058143 -0.504185 4803.9160 2018-10-17 18.903721 87.813142 -122.271966 26.528915 -0.504185 4803.9160 2018-10-18 18.903721 95.045375 -113.257550 26.914567 -0.504185 4803.9160 2018-10-19 30.198127 77.250770 -91.039403 27.247880 -0.504185 4803.9160 2018-10-22 52.654170 47.794098 -31.437480 27.581421 -0.392518 4803.9160 2018-10-23 45.796012 56.859362 -28.459389 27.730879 -0.204236 4803.9160 2018-10-24 45.081477 46.464373 -29.723522 27.705536 -0.252139 4803.9160 2018-10-25 43.952627 33.060135 -43.311376 27.677517 -0.228771 4803.9160 2018-10-26 43.897815 33.167853 -9.379660 27.553745 -0.023063 4803.9160 2018-10-29 35.620466 49.894623 -38.266562 27.438440 -0.095220 4803.9160 2018-10-30 43.181657 40.057138 -21.493525 27.358520 -0.235358 4803.9160 2018-10-31 53.737102 24.131229 67.666944 27.255069 -0.206124 4803.9160 2018-11-01 57.425542 17.942113 115.840314 27.045829 -0.184435 4803.9160 MAMASS ATR volume money CHO 2016-01-05 23.756116 180.783071 1.091625e+10 1.322633e+11 6.065459e+05 2016-01-06 23.977806 188.709000 1.009304e+10 1.322633e+11 3.236381e+05 2016-01-07 24.254879 204.201451 4.925074e+09 4.728852e+10 5.836638e+04 2016-01-08 24.604707 204.201451 1.091625e+10 1.322633e+11 -1.813213e+05 2016-01-11 25.007304 204.201451 1.091625e+10 1.322633e+11 -6.299919e+05 2016-01-12 25.408676 204.201451 9.190522e+09 1.057272e+11 -6.304158e+05 2016-01-13 25.803484 204.201451 8.612340e+09 9.845670e+10 -6.304158e+05 2016-01-14 26.196945 204.201451 9.225145e+09 1.042551e+11 -6.304158e+05 2016-01-15 26.575263 204.201451 8.863054e+09 1.022773e+11 -6.304158e+05 2016-01-18 26.937150 204.201451 7.246979e+09 8.698031e+10 -6.304158e+05 2016-01-19 27.275037 204.201451 8.798102e+09 1.061855e+11 -6.304158e+05 2016-01-20 27.587834 204.201451 9.194752e+09 1.133945e+11 -6.304158e+05 2016-01-21 27.605577 204.201451 8.188276e+09 1.005553e+11 -6.304158e+05 2016-01-22 27.605577 204.201451 6.983071e+09 8.442937e+10 -6.304158e+05 2016-01-25 27.605577 204.201451 6.530851e+09 7.867768e+10 -6.304158e+05 2016-01-26 27.605577 204.201451 8.544392e+09 9.810410e+10 -6.304158e+05 2016-01-27 27.605577 204.201451 8.792412e+09 9.535493e+10 -5.435846e+05 2016-01-28 27.605577 204.201451 6.733808e+09 7.315274e+10 -5.641900e+05 2016-01-29 27.605577 204.201451 7.235909e+09 7.830371e+10 -4.158293e+05 2016-02-01 27.605577 204.201451 6.471611e+09 7.086333e+10 -5.297102e+05 2016-02-02 27.605577 204.201451 6.657196e+09 7.567418e+10 -6.304158e+05 2016-02-03 27.605577 204.201451 6.328073e+09 7.062492e+10 -6.304158e+05 2016-02-04 27.605577 204.201451 7.108398e+09 8.322622e+10 -5.949604e+05 2016-02-05 27.605577 204.201451 5.607554e+09 6.532197e+10 -4.587986e+05 2016-02-15 27.605577 204.201451 5.363125e+09 6.335130e+10 -4.760784e+05 2016-02-16 27.605577 204.201451 8.287714e+09 9.853490e+10 -1.181450e+05 2016-02-17 27.605577 204.201451 9.058252e+09 1.078570e+11 4.531126e+04 2016-02-18 27.074097 204.201451 9.371480e+09 1.101097e+11 4.740938e+05 2016-02-19 26.391424 204.201451 7.038050e+09 8.684912e+10 7.202841e+05 2016-02-22 25.595498 182.750086 9.432052e+09 1.108016e+11 1.044428e+06 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2018-09-13 24.337838 76.595714 5.569210e+09 4.728852e+10 -1.301020e+05 2018-09-14 24.204614 72.445714 5.644793e+09 4.728852e+10 -2.033731e+05 2018-09-17 24.056001 76.302143 4.933895e+09 4.728852e+10 -3.048443e+05 2018-09-18 23.907221 80.238571 5.443233e+09 4.728852e+10 -3.900431e+05 2018-09-19 23.795992 81.472143 6.705586e+09 5.567138e+10 -4.271360e+05 2018-09-20 23.710040 79.772143 5.639897e+09 4.728852e+10 -4.472038e+05 2018-09-21 23.658276 80.219286 6.589520e+09 5.250771e+10 -4.188528e+05 2018-09-25 23.640376 78.121429 5.265424e+09 4.728852e+10 -3.123108e+05 2018-09-26 23.661650 76.977857 6.471956e+09 5.170976e+10 -1.995860e+05 2018-09-27 23.706355 76.123571 6.143767e+09 4.728852e+10 -9.968492e+04 2018-09-28 23.745179 72.405000 5.726864e+09 4.728852e+10 -2.608133e+04 2018-10-08 23.810470 77.305714 6.327566e+09 4.949483e+10 4.215561e+04 2018-10-09 23.880109 77.572857 5.043745e+09 4.728852e+10 1.424186e+05 2018-10-10 23.953182 78.730714 5.133964e+09 4.728852e+10 2.045088e+05 2018-10-11 24.082347 97.123571 9.056360e+09 6.448032e+10 1.349822e+05 2018-10-12 24.273986 105.461429 8.152515e+09 5.670063e+10 1.250535e+05 2018-10-15 24.543747 108.184286 6.229185e+09 4.728852e+10 8.717362e+03 2018-10-16 24.878795 111.370714 6.107666e+09 4.728852e+10 -1.734683e+05 2018-10-17 25.287843 112.836429 6.952388e+09 4.728852e+10 -3.353128e+05 2018-10-18 25.751365 118.666429 5.978391e+09 4.728852e+10 -4.938103e+05 2018-10-19 26.208203 125.150000 6.956158e+09 4.993703e+10 -5.980369e+05 2018-10-22 26.641633 139.470000 9.295832e+09 6.951100e+10 -5.939554e+05 2018-10-23 27.013117 143.976429 7.466806e+09 5.444839e+10 -6.143589e+05 2018-10-24 27.287683 145.895714 6.282348e+09 4.728852e+10 -6.205348e+05 2018-10-25 27.479116 152.035000 6.968721e+09 4.837184e+10 -3.933668e+05 2018-10-26 27.585646 145.995000 6.798362e+09 4.728852e+10 -3.046357e+05 2018-10-29 27.605577 147.178571 5.745157e+09 4.728852e+10 -1.217705e+05 2018-10-30 27.580256 152.106429 7.283465e+09 5.230816e+10 1.716301e+05 2018-10-31 27.498138 133.441429 7.468776e+09 5.324331e+10 4.347835e+05 2018-11-01 27.388187 128.040714 8.605914e+09 6.500469e+10 7.059026e+05 [689 rows x 17 columns]
estimator = LinearSVC()
res = f.wrapper_select(data_x=data_x,data_y=data_y,n=5,estimator=estimator)
Index(['volume', 'money', 'CHO', 'AMO1', 'AMO2'], dtype='object')
est = LinearSVC(C=0.01,penalty='l1',dual=False)
est1 = RandomForestClassifier()
e_res = f.embedded_select(data_x=data_x,data_y=data_y,estimator=est1)
Index(['ACCER', 'BIAS', 'CCI', 'KBJ', 'CYE', 'ROC', 'RSI', 'RSI6', 'WR', 'MAWR'], dtype='object')