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Tango发表于:5 月 9 日 18:22回复(1)



1)找出Russell 3000指数中股票的预期财报发布日,设为t。



4)选出PAR最高的18只股票,在t-1天市场收盘时卖空,t 1天市场收盘时清算。对于PAR最低的18只股票,则进行相反的操作。同时再利用市场指数ETF或者期货进行对冲。

这篇博客利用这个策略回测Russell 3000指数中的股票(2011年8月3日到2016年9月30日),得到复合年均增长率为9.1%,夏普率为1,具体收益图如下。


1)(这一步我也没太看明白,就强行翻译了一下..)在预期财报公布日前的市场收盘时,计算下一个公布的财报的预期公布日的最近一次改变,用天计量,记为deltaD。如果公司把预期公布日推迟了,deltaD>0,如果提早了,deltaD< 0。


3)如果deltaD< 0,deltaU< 45,在市场收盘时买入这只股票,并在第二天市场开盘时卖出。如果deltaD>0并且deltaU>=45,就进行相反的操作。




然后博客利用这个策略回测了标普500指数(2011年8月3日到2016年9月30日),最终得到的回测结果是,复合年均增长率为17.61%,夏普率为0.6.若用Russell 3000指数,结果会更好,复合年均增长率为17.6%,夏普率为0.6,具体收益图如下。


Pre-earnings Announcement Strategies

Much has been written about the Post-Earnings Announcement Drift (PEAD) strategy (see, for example, my book), but less was written about pre-earnings announcement strategies. That changed recently with the publication of two papers. Just as with PEAD, these pre-announcement strategies do not make use of any actual earnings numbers or even estimates. They are based entirely on announcement dates (expected or actual) and perhaps recent price movement.

The first one, by So and Wang 2014, suggests various simple mean reversion strategies for US stocks that enter i* positions at the market close just before an expected announcement. Here is my paraphrase of one such strategies:

1) Suppose t is the expected earnings announcement date for a stock in the Russell 3000 index.

2) Compute the pre-announcement return from day t-4 to t-2 (counting trading days only).

3) Subtract a market index return over the same lookback period from the pre-announcement return, and call this market-adjusted return PAR.

4) Pick the 18 stocks with the best PAR and short them (with equal dollars) at the market close of t-1, liquidate at market close of t+1.  Pick the 18 stocks with the worst PAR, and do the opposite. Hedge any net exposure with a market-index ETF or future.

I backtested this strategy using Wall Street Horizon (WSH)'s expected earnings dates data, applying it to stocks in the Russell 3000 index, and hedging with IWV. I got a CAGR of 9.1% and a Sharpe ratio of  1 from 2011/08/03-2016/09/30. The equity curve is displayed below.

Note that WSH's data was used instead of  Yahoo! Finance, Compustat, or even Thomson Reuters' I/B/E/S earnings data, because only WSH's data is "point-in-time". WSH captured the expected earnings announcement date on the day before the announcement, just as we would h*e if we were live trading. We did not use the actual announcement date as captured in most other data sources because we could not be sure if a company changed their expected announcement date on that same date. The actual announcement date can only be known with certainty after-the-fact, and therefore isn't point-in-time. If we were to run the same backtest using Yahoo! Finance's historical earnings data, the CAGR would h*e dropped to 6.8%, and the Sharpe ratio dropped to 0.8.

The notion that companies do change their expected announcement dates takes us to the second strategy, created by Ekaterina Kramarenko of Deltix's Quantitative Research Team. In her paper "An Automated Trading Strategy Using Earnings Date Movements from Wall Street Horizon", she describes the following strategy that explicitly makes use of such changes as a trading signal:

1) At the market close prior to the earnings announcement  expected between the current close and the next day's open, compute deltaD which is the last change of the expected announcement date for the upcoming announcement, measured in calendar days. deltaD > 0 if the company moved the announcement date later, and deltaD < 0 if the company moved the announcement date earlier.

2) Also, at the same market close, compute deltaU which is the number of calendar days since the last change of the expected announcement date.

3) If deltaD < 0 and deltaU < 45, buy the stock at the market close and liquidate on next day's market open. If deltaD > 0 and deltaU >= 45, do the opposite.

The intuition behind this strategy is that if a company moves an expected announcement date earlier, especially if that happens close to the expected date, that is an indication of good news, and vice versa. Kramarenko found a CAGR of 14.95% and a Sharpe ratio of 2.08 by applying this strategy to SPX stocks from 2006/1/3 - 2015/9/2.

In order to reproduce this result, one needs to make sure that the capital allocation is based on the following formula: suppose the total buying power is M, and the number of trading signals at the market close is n, then the trading size per stock is M/5 if n <= 5, and is M/n if n > 5.

I backtested this strategy from 2011/8/3-2016/9/30 on a fixed SPX universe on 2011/7/5, and obtained CAGR=17.6% and Sharpe ratio of 0.6.

Backtesting this on Russell 3000 index universe of stocks yielded better results, with CAGR=17% and Sharpe ratio=1.9.  Here, I adjust the trading size per stock to M/30 if n <=30, and to M/n if n > 30, given that the total number of stocks in Russell 3000 is about 6 times larger than that of SPX. The equity curve is displayed below:

Interestingly, a market neutral version of this strategy (using IWV to hedge any net exposure) does not improve the Sharpe ratio, but does significantly depressed the CAGR.




