喜欢做一名宽客,是因为可以自己掌握命运。 ——丁鹏
股票选取上市时间超过1个季度的股票,benchmark = 000001.XSHG
根据市场经验和经济逻辑选取。选择更多和更有效的因子能增强模型信息捕获能力。 如一些基本面指标(PB、PE、EPS、增长率),技术面指标(动量、换手率、波动),或其他指标(预期收益增长、分析师一致预期变化、宏观经济变量)。
import pandas as pdfrom pandas import Series, DataFrameimport numpy as npimport statsmodels.api as smimport scipy.stats as scsimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt
factors = ['B/M','EPS','PEG','ROE','ROA','GP/R','P/R','L/A','FAP','CMV']#月初取出因子数值def get_factors(fdate,factors):stock_set = get_index_stocks('000001.XSHG',fdate)q = query(valuation.code,balance.total_owner_equities/valuation.market_cap/100000000,income.basic_eps,valuation.pe_ratio,income.net_profit/balance.total_owner_equities,income.net_profit/balance.total_assets,income.total_profit/income.operating_revenue,income.net_profit/income.operating_revenue,balance.total_liability/balance.total_assets,balance.fixed_assets/balance.total_assets,valuation.circulating_market_cap).filter(valuation.code.in_(stock_set),valuation.circulating_market_cap)fdf = get_fundamentals(q, date=fdate)fdf.index = fdf['code']fdf.columns = ['code'] + factorsreturn fdf.iloc[:,-10:]fdf = get_factors('2015-01-01',factors)fdf.head()
B/M | EPS | PEG | ROE | ROA | GP/R | P/R | L/A | FAP | CMV | |
code | ||||||||||
600000.XSHG | 0.801232 | 0.6510 | 6.38 | 0.052452 | 0.003109 | 0.521640 | 0.400260 | 0.940733 | 0.002444 | 2341.3799 |
600004.XSHG | 0.668192 | 0.1900 | 12.89 | 0.028343 | 0.022621 | 0.238295 | 0.170218 | 0.201903 | 0.636765 | 125.7000 |
600005.XSHG | 1.045151 | 0.0340 | 66.09 | 0.009316 | 0.003532 | 0.023846 | 0.017453 | 0.620912 | 0.586177 | 361.3600 |
600006.XSHG | 0.669808 | 0.0318 | 56.26 | 0.008670 | 0.003421 | 0.018401 | 0.017138 | 0.605433 | 0.155339 | 119.0000 |
600007.XSHG | 0.332304 | 0.1400 | 36.47 | 0.028500 | 0.014895 | 0.345910 | 0.260073 | 0.477369 | 0.127698 | 154.0100 |
score = fdf['B/M'].order()score.head()
code 600301.XSHG -0.045989 600444.XSHG -0.029723 600228.XSHG -0.026231 600217.XSHG -0.026090 600876.XSHG -0.010862 Name: B/M, dtype: float64
startdate = '2015-01-01'enddate = '2015-02-01'nextdate = '2015-03-01'df = {}CMV = fdf['CMV']port1 = list(score.index)[: len(score)/5]port2 = list(score.index)[ len(score)/5: 2*len(score)/5]port3 = list(score.index)[ 2*len(score)/5: -2*len(score)/5]port4 = list(score.index)[ -2*len(score)/5: -len(score)/5]port5 = list(score.index)[ -len(score)/5: ]
def caculate_port_monthly_return(port,startdate,enddate,nextdate,CMV):close1 = get_price(port, startdate, enddate, 'daily', ['close'])close2 = get_price(port, enddate, nextdate, 'daily',['close'])weighted_m_return = ((close2['close'].ix[0,:]/close1['close'].ix[0,:]-1)*CMV).sum()/(CMV.ix[port].sum()) # weighted_m_return = (close['close'].ix[-1,:]/close['close'].ix[0,:]-1).mean()return weighted_m_returncaculate_port_monthly_return(port1,'2015-01-01','2015-02-01','2015-03-01',fdf['CMV'])
def caculate_benchmark_monthly_return(startdate,enddate,nextdate):close1 = get_price(['000001.XSHG'],startdate,enddate,'daily',['close'])['close']close2 = get_price(['000001.XSHG'],enddate, nextdate, 'daily',['close'])['close']benchmark_return = (close2.ix[0,:]/close1.ix[0,:]-1).sum()return benchmark_returncaculate_benchmark_monthly_return('2015-01-01','2015-02-01','2015-03-01')
benchmark_return = caculate_benchmark_monthly_return(startdate,enddate,nextdate)df['port1'] = caculate_port_monthly_return(port1,startdate,enddate,nextdate,CMV)df['port2'] = caculate_port_monthly_return(port2,startdate,enddate,nextdate,CMV)df['port3'] = caculate_port_monthly_return(port3,startdate,enddate,nextdate,CMV)df['port4'] = caculate_port_monthly_return(port4,startdate,enddate,nextdate,CMV)df['port5'] = caculate_port_monthly_return(port5,startdate,enddate,nextdate,CMV)print Series(df)print 'benchmark_return %s'%benchmark_return
port1 0.042660 port2 -0.047200 port3 0.012783 port4 -0.063027 port5 -0.117817 dtype: float64 benchmark_return -0.0663237546183
factors = ['B/M','EPS','PEG','ROE','ROA','GP/R','P/R','L/A','FAP','CMV']#因为研究模块取fundmental数据默认date为研究日期的前一天。所以要自备时间序列。按月取year = ['2009','2010','2011','2012','2013','2014','2015']month = ['01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12']result = {}for i in range(7*12):startdate = year[i/12] + '-' + month[i%12] + '-01'try:enddate = year[(i+1)/12] + '-' + month[(i+1)%12] + '-01'except IndexError:enddate = '2016-01-01'try:nextdate = year[(i+2)/12] + '-' + month[(i+2)%12] + '-01'except IndexError:if enddate == '2016-01-01':nextdate = '2016-02-01'else:nextdate = '2016-01-01'print 'time %s'%startdatefdf = get_factors(startdate,factors)CMV = fdf['CMV']#5个组合,10个因子df = DataFrame(np.zeros(6*10).reshape(6,10),index = ['port1','port2','port3','port4','port5','benchmark'],columns = factors)for fac in factors:score = fdf[fac].order()port1 = list(score.index)[: len(score)/5]port2 = list(score.index)[ len(score)/5+1: 2*len(score)/5]port3 = list(score.index)[ 2*len(score)/5+1: -2*len(score)/5]port4 = list(score.index)[ -2*len(score)/5+1: -len(score)/5]port5 = list(score.index)[ -len(score)/5+1: ]df.ix['port1',fac] = caculate_port_monthly_return(port1,startdate,enddate,nextdate,CMV)df.ix['port2',fac] = caculate_port_monthly_return(port2,startdate,enddate,nextdate,CMV)df.ix['port3',fac] = caculate_port_monthly_return(port3,startdate,enddate,nextdate,CMV)df.ix['port4',fac] = caculate_port_monthly_return(port4,startdate,enddate,nextdate,CMV)df.ix['port5',fac] = caculate_port_monthly_return(port5,startdate,enddate,nextdate,CMV)df.ix['benchmark',fac] = caculate_benchmark_monthly_return(startdate,enddate,nextdate)print 'factor %s'%facresult[i+1]=dfmonthly_return = pd.Panel(result)
time 2009-01-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2009-02-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2009-03-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2009-04-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2009-05-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2009-06-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2009-07-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2009-08-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2009-09-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2009-10-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2009-11-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2009-12-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2010-01-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2010-02-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2010-03-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2010-04-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2010-05-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2010-06-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2010-07-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2010-08-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2010-09-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2010-10-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2010-11-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2010-12-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2011-01-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2011-02-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2011-03-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2011-04-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2011-05-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2011-06-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2011-07-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2011-08-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2011-09-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2011-10-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2011-11-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2011-12-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2012-01-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2012-02-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2012-03-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2012-04-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2012-05-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2012-06-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2012-07-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2012-08-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2012-09-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2012-10-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2012-11-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2012-12-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2013-01-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2013-02-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2013-03-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2013-04-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2013-05-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2013-06-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2013-07-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2013-08-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2013-09-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2013-10-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2013-11-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2013-12-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2014-01-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2014-02-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2014-03-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2014-04-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2014-05-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2014-06-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2014-07-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2014-08-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2014-09-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2014-10-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2014-11-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2014-12-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2015-01-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2015-02-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2015-03-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2015-04-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2015-05-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2015-06-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2015-07-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2015-08-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2015-09-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2015-10-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2015-11-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV time 2015-12-01 factor B/M factor EPS factor PEG factor ROE factor ROA factor GP/R factor P/R factor L/A factor FAP factor CMV
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | ... | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | |
port1 | 0.085377 | 0.036437 | 0.171064 | 0.068139 | 0.031353 | 0.071192 | 0.151097 | -0.187432 | 0.106754 | 0.053656 | ... | 0.160294 | 0.175091 | 0.184501 | -0.173977 | -0.126870 | -0.129739 | 0.020640 | 0.092677 | 0.059210 | -0.024342 |
port2 | 0.103112 | 0.051596 | 0.187690 | 0.086921 | 0.023387 | 0.060204 | 0.174042 | -0.207356 | 0.082787 | 0.068394 | ... | 0.108189 | 0.156054 | 0.061243 | -0.171119 | -0.069029 | -0.126619 | -0.008985 | 0.042185 | 0.040142 | -0.059092 |
port3 | 0.147836 | 0.047156 | 0.180190 | 0.078112 | 0.043121 | 0.076799 | 0.247551 | -0.256659 | 0.092075 | 0.058820 | ... | 0.135661 | 0.189277 | 0.101805 | -0.176225 | -0.131486 | -0.116174 | 0.003847 | 0.059488 | 0.023647 | -0.034763 |
port4 | 0.128160 | 0.053384 | 0.206332 | 0.051714 | 0.060888 | 0.075527 | 0.181603 | -0.234078 | 0.096960 | 0.089126 | ... | 0.186579 | 0.251944 | 0.131996 | -0.204895 | -0.156339 | -0.126159 | -0.002444 | 0.058323 | 0.032130 | -0.083936 |
port5 | 0.087002 | 0.042383 | 0.176984 | 0.053508 | 0.075892 | 0.210837 | 0.127438 | -0.238531 | 0.106269 | 0.077865 | ... | 0.123681 | 0.153539 | -0.017625 | -0.102327 | -0.066117 | -0.107363 | -0.025164 | 0.042663 | 0.037691 | -0.036141 |
benchmark | 0.069637 | 0.040645 | 0.150264 | 0.063078 | 0.063037 | 0.105417 | 0.151070 | -0.224937 | 0.084953 | 0.056645 | ... | 0.142077 | 0.175884 | 0.077732 | -0.160505 | -0.106272 | -0.125943 | -0.007348 | 0.057813 | 0.039465 | -0.046307 |
6 rows × 84 columns
port1 | port2 | port3 | port4 | port5 | benchmark | |
80 | 2.333138 | 2.106109 | 1.935200 | 2.070456 | 2.384574 | 1.683733 |
81 | 2.381294 | 2.087185 | 1.942645 | 2.065396 | 2.324569 | 1.671362 |
82 | 2.601984 | 2.175233 | 2.058208 | 2.185855 | 2.423743 | 1.767989 |
83 | 2.756049 | 2.262552 | 2.106879 | 2.256086 | 2.515096 | 1.837762 |
84 | 2.688961 | 2.128853 | 2.033638 | 2.066720 | 2.424198 | 1.752661 |
if AR1 > ARn #因子越小,收益越大
则应满足AR1 > MinARtop >0 and ARn < MinARbottom < 0
if AR1 < ARn #因子越小,收益越小
则应满足ARn > MinARtop >0 and AR1 < MinARbottom < 0
(3) 在任何市场行情下,1和n两个极端组合,都以较高概率跑赢or跑输市场。
total_return = {}annual_return = {}excess_return = {}win_prob = {}loss_prob = {}effect_test = {}MinCorr = 0.3Minbottom = -0.05Mi*p = 0.05for fac in factors:effect_test[fac] = {}monthly = monthly_return[:,:,fac]total_return[fac] = (monthly+1).T.cumprod().iloc[-1,:]-1annual_return[fac] = (total_return[fac]+1)**(1./6)-1excess_return[fac] = annual_return[fac]- annual_return[fac][-1]#判断因子有效性#1.年化收益与组合序列的相关性 大于 阀值effect_test[fac][1] = annual_return[fac][0:5].corr(Series([1,2,3,4,5],index = annual_return[fac][0:5].index))#2.高收益组合跑赢概率#因子小,收益小,port1是输家组合,port5是赢家组合if total_return[fac][0] < total_return[fac][-2]:loss_excess = monthly.iloc[0,:]-monthly.iloc[-1,:]loss_prob[fac] = loss_excess[loss_excess<0].count()/float(len(loss_excess))win_excess = monthly.iloc[-2,:]-monthly.iloc[-1,:]win_prob[fac] = win_excess[win_excess>0].count()/float(len(win_excess))effect_test[fac][3] = [win_prob[fac],loss_prob[fac]]#超额收益effect_test[fac][2] = [excess_return[fac][-2]*100,excess_return[fac][0]*100]#因子小,收益大,port1是赢家组合,port5是输家组合else:loss_excess = monthly.iloc[-2,:]-monthly.iloc[-1,:]loss_prob[fac] = loss_excess[loss_excess<0].count()/float(len(loss_excess))win_excess = monthly.iloc[0,:]-monthly.iloc[-1,:]win_prob[fac] = win_excess[win_excess>0].count()/float(len(win_excess))effect_test[fac][3] = [win_prob[fac],loss_prob[fac]]#超额收益effect_test[fac][2] = [excess_return[fac][0]*100,excess_return[fac][-2]*100]#effect_test[1]记录因子相关性,>0.5或<-0.5合格#effect_test[2]记录【赢家组合超额收益,输家组合超额收益】#effect_test[3]记录赢家组合跑赢概率和输家组合跑输概率。【>0.5,>0.4】合格(因实际情况,跑输概率暂时不考虑)DataFrame(effect_test)
B/M | CMV | EPS | FAP | GP/R | L/A | P/R | PEG | ROA | ROE | |
1 | 0.8575994 | -0.9803264 | -0.2417111 | -0.7649626 | 0.4933612 | -0.3150764 | 0.7777911 | -0.9718449 | 0.440798 | 0.33929 |
2 | [8.20404772765, 0.444474144989] | [48.222405245, 0.73877402636] | [5.37013402955, 3.7224243677] | [6.81859530015, -1.43912556501] | [5.19660373631, 3.03172671649] | [8.11916063464, 6.0994646067] | [5.50314924722, 2.78928297967] | [10.1571258275, -1.27862288343] | [6.16875242846, 1.86261189929] | [5.89690556199, 2.87424422408] |
3 | [0.583333333333, 0.47619047619] | [0.714285714286, 0.47619047619] | [0.547619047619, 0.47619047619] | [0.52380952381, 0.511904761905] | [0.571428571429, 0.47619047619] | [0.630952380952, 0.47619047619] | [0.559523809524, 0.47619047619] | [0.595238095238, 0.464285714286] | [0.595238095238, 0.47619047619] | [0.535714285714, 0.5] |
effective_factors = ['B/M','PEG','P/R','FAP','CMV']DataFrame(total_return).ix[:,effective_factors]
B/M | PEG | P/R | FAP | CMV | |
port1 | 0.795662 | 1.980116 | 1.037343 | 1.515856 | 14.572930 |
port2 | 0.491867 | 1.270821 | 1.222759 | 2.716078 | 6.133603 |
port3 | 0.858536 | 1.135401 | 1.134942 | 1.530595 | 3.234002 |
port4 | 1.537122 | 0.916800 | 1.529077 | 0.805181 | 2.061771 |
port5 | 1.700595 | 0.633717 | 1.350320 | 0.619273 | 0.824615 |
benchmark | 0.752661 | 0.752661 | 0.752661 | 0.752661 | 0.752661 |
B/M | PEG | P/R | FAP | CMV | |
port1 | 0.102480 | 0.199607 | 0.125928 | 0.166221 | 0.580259 |
port2 | 0.068944 | 0.146473 | 0.142393 | 0.244555 | 0.387453 |
port3 | 0.108822 | 0.134784 | 0.134743 | 0.167357 | 0.271916 |
port4 | 0.167858 | 0.114541 | 0.167241 | 0.103452 | 0.205023 |
port5 | 0.180076 | 0.085249 | 0.153067 | 0.083644 | 0.105423 |
benchmark | 0.098035 | 0.098035 | 0.098035 | 0.098035 | 0.098035 |
def draw_return_picture(df):plt.figure(figsize =(10,4))plt.plot((df.T+1).cumprod().ix[:,0], label = 'port1')plt.plot((df.T+1).cumprod().ix[:,1], label = 'port2')plt.plot((df.T+1).cumprod().ix[:,2], label = 'port3')plt.plot((df.T+1).cumprod().ix[:,3], label = 'port4')plt.plot((df.T+1).cumprod().ix[:,4], label = 'port5')plt.plot((df.T+1).cumprod().ix[:,5], label = 'benchmark')plt.xlabel('return of factor %s'%fac)plt.legend(loc=0)for fac in effective_factors:draw_return_picture(monthly_return[:,:,fac])
if AR1 > ARn #因子越小,收益越大
if AR1 < ARn #因子越小,收益越小
def score_stock(fdate):#CMV,FAP,PEG三个因子越小收益越大,分值越大,应降序排;B/M,P/R越大收益越大应顺序排effective_factors = {'B/M':True,'PEG':False,'P/R':True,'FAP':False,'CMV':False}fdf = get_factors(fdate)score = {}for fac,value in effective_factors.items():score[fac] = fdf[fac].rank(ascending = value,method = 'first')print DataFrame(score).T.sum().order(ascending = False).head(5)score_stock = list(DataFrame(score).T.sum().order(ascending = False).index)return score_stock,fdf['CMV']def get_factors(fdate):factors = ['B/M','PEG','P/R','FAP','CMV']stock_set = get_index_stocks('000001.XSHG',fdate)q = query(valuation.code,balance.total_owner_equities/valuation.market_cap/100000000,valuation.pe_ratio,income.net_profit/income.operating_revenue,balance.fixed_assets/balance.total_assets,valuation.circulating_market_cap).filter(valuation.code.in_(stock_set))fdf = get_fundamentals(q,date = fdate)fdf.index = fdf['code']fdf.columns = ['code'] + factorsreturn fdf.iloc[:,-5:][score_result,CMV] = score_stock('2016-01-01')
code 600382.XSHG 4274 600638.XSHG 4224 600291.XSHG 4092 600791.XSHG 4078 600284.XSHG 4031 dtype: float64
year = ['2009','2010','2011','2012','2013','2014','2015']month = ['01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12']factors = ['B/M','PEG','P/R','FAP','CMV']result = {}for i in range(7*12):startdate = year[i/12] + '-' + month[i%12] + '-01'try:enddate = year[(i+1)/12] + '-' + month[(i+1)%12] + '-01'except IndexError:enddate = '2016-01-01'try:nextdate = year[(i+2)/12] + '-' + month[(i+2)%12] + '-01'except IndexError:if enddate == '2016-01-01':nextdate = '2016-02-01'else:nextdate = '2016-01-01'print 'time %s'%startdate#综合5个因子打分后,划分几个组合df = DataFrame(np.zeros(7),index = ['Top20','port1','port2','port3','port4','port5','benchmark'])[score,CMV] = score_stock(startdate)port0 = score[:20]port1 = score[: len(score)/5]port2 = score[ len(score)/5+1: 2*len(score)/5]port3 = score[ 2*len(score)/5+1: -2*len(score)/5]port4 = score[ -2*len(score)/5+1: -len(score)/5]port5 = score[ -len(score)/5+1: ]print len(score)df.ix['Top20'] = caculate_port_monthly_return(port1,startdate,enddate,nextdate,CMV)df.ix['port1'] = caculate_port_monthly_return(port1,startdate,enddate,nextdate,CMV)df.ix['port2'] = caculate_port_monthly_return(port2,startdate,enddate,nextdate,CMV)df.ix['port3'] = caculate_port_monthly_return(port3,startdate,enddate,nextdate,CMV)df.ix['port4'] = caculate_port_monthly_return(port4,startdate,enddate,nextdate,CMV)df.ix['port5'] = caculate_port_monthly_return(port5,startdate,enddate,nextdate,CMV)df.ix['benchmark'] = caculate_benchmark_monthly_return(startdate,enddate,nextdate)result[i+1]=dfbacktest_results = pd.DataFrame(result)